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Let's Meet Then...

Hatching marvels, thee talking instrument of maximal gravity
A bit known stranger on it, defines, “Who am I”...
Trimming me ruthlessly,
Alligating me of dire consequences,

Studio Composition

Cup of Words

Crystal sphere sitting
Before child like statue

Joseph Mayo Wristen
Our Heaven

From dusk till dawn,
I picture those eyes.
Of you I keep dreaming on,
To unite both our lives.
Az Mo

Az Mo
Canto Xlv

With Usura

With usura hath no man a house of good stone
each block cut smooth and well fitting
Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound
Your Sun

I'd be the sun in your moon,
A fire burning in your skies.
Layers of white and orange tune
In petals of flowers yet to bloom.
Az Mo

Az Mo
A Good Soldier

He writes to us most every day, and how his letters thrill us!
I can't describe the joys with which his quaint expressions fill us.
He says the military life is not of his selection,
He's only soldiering to-day to give the Flag protection.
Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest
The Old Huntsman

I've never ceased to curse the day I signed
A seven years' bargain for the Golden Fleece.
'Twas a bad deal all round; and dear enough
It cost me, what with my daft management,
Siegfried Sassoon

Siegfried Sassoon
At Christmas

A man is at his finest towards the finish of the year;
He is almost what he should be when the Christmas season is here;
Then he's thinking more of others than he's thought the months before,
And the laughter of his children is a joy worth toiling for.
Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest
Venus And Adonis

Even as the sun with purple-coloured face
Had ta'en his last leave of the weeping morn,
Rose-cheeked Adonis hied him to the chase;
Hunting he loved, but love he laughed to scorn.
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Any Wife To Any Husband


My love, this is the bitterest, that thou
Who art all truth and who dost love me now
Robert Browning

Robert Browning
My Namesake

Addressed to Francis Greenleaf Allison of Burlington, New Jersey.

You scarcely need my tardy thanks,
Who, self-rewarded, nurse and tend--
John Greenleaf Whittier

John Greenleaf Whittier
When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted

When Earth's last picture is painted
And the tubes are twisted and dried
When the oldest colors have faded
And the youngest critic has died
Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling
Endymion: Book I


A Poetic Romance.

John Keats

John Keats
Just That I Fell For You

A clog?
Yeah, I can't see no one,
I was broken and blistered,
Disillusioned and downgraded,
Brian Dredan

Brian Dredan
Locksley Hall Sixty Years After

Late, my grandson! half the morning have I paced these sandy tracts,
Watch'd again the hollow ridges roaring into cataracts,

Wander'd back to living boyhood while I heard the curlews call,
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Alfred Lord Tennyson
Parliament Hill Fields

ale as china
The round sky goes on minding its business.
Your absence is inconspicuous;
Nobody can tell what I lack.

Sylvia Plath
I Would Not Paint'a Picture


I would not paint-a picture-
I'd rather be the One
Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson
Sonnet 046: Mine Eye And Heart Are At A Mortal War

Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of thy sight;
Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right,
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Union Square

With the man I love who loves me not,
I walked in the street-lamps' flare;
We watched the world go home that night
In a flood through Union Square.

Sara Teasdale
The Man With The Blue Guitar

as green.

They said, 'You have a blue guitar,
You do not play things as they are.'

Wallace Stevens

He gave a picture exhibition,
Hiring a little empty shop.
Above its window: FREE ADMISSION
Cajoled the passers-by to stop;
Robert Service

Robert Service
Who Was Crazy, And, Who Was Stupid?

The day turned dark
All rainbows dispersed
Everything became fairy tale-like
A tale that none can tell
Fahredin Shehu

Fahredin Shehu
Grown Up

Last year he wanted building blocks,
And picture books and toys,
A saddle horse that gayly rocks,
And games for little boys.
Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest

Some folks I know, when friends drop in
To visit for awhile and chin,
Just lead them round the rooms and halls
And show them pictures on their walls,
Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest
Provide, Provide

The witch that came (the withered hag)
To wash the steps with pail and rag,
Was once the beauty Abishag,

Robert Frost

Robert Frost
An Ode On The Popular Superstitions Of The Highlands Of Scotland, Considered As The Subject Of Poetr

Home, thou return'st from Thames, whose naiads long
Have seen thee ling'ring with a fond delay
'Mid those soft friends, whose hearts, some future day,
Shall melt, perhaps, to hear thy tragic song.

William Collins
Her Letter

I'm sitting alone by the fire,
Dressed just as I came from the dance,
In a robe even YOU would admire,-
It cost a cool thousand in France;
Bret Harte

Bret Harte
Memorials Of A Tour In Italy, 1837 - Xv. - At The Convent Of Camaldoli

Grieve for the Man who hither came bereft,
And seeking consolation from above;
Nor grieve the less that skill to him was left
To paint this picture of his lady-love:
William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

SUDDENLY to become John Benbow, walking down William Street
With a tin trunk and a five-pound note, looking for a place to eat,
And a peajacket the colour of a shark's behind
That a Jew might buy in the morning. . . .

Kenneth Slessor
Suggested By A Picture Of The Bird Of Paradise

The gentlest Poet, with free thoughts endowed,
And a true master of the glowing strain,
Might scan the narrow province with disdain
That to the Painter's skill is here allowed.
William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth
Sonnet 047: Betwixt Mine Eye And Heart A League Is Took

Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took,
And each doth good turns now unto the other,
When that mine eye is famished for a look,
Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother,
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Dr. Johnson's Picture Cow

Got a sliver in my hand
An' it hurt t' beat the band,
An' got white around it, too;
Then the first thing that I knew
Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Albert Guest
The Generations Of Men

A governor it was proclaimed this time,
When all who would come seeking in New Hampshire
Ancestral memories might come together.
And those of the name Stark gathered in Bow,
Robert Frost

Robert Frost
The Night Before

Look you, Dominie; look you, and listen!
Look in my face, first; search every line there;
Mark every feature,-chin, lip, and forehead!
Look in my eyes, and tell me the lesson
Edwin Arlington Robinson

Edwin Arlington Robinson
The Sleet

Regal the earth seems with diamonds today,
Gemming all nature in blazing array;
A picture more fairy-like never could be
Than this wonderful icicle filigree.

Nannie R. Glass
The Word

Voice of the Holy Spirit, making known
Man to himself, a witness swift and sure,
Warning, approving, true and wise and pure,
Counsel and guidance that misleadeth none!
John Greenleaf Whittier

John Greenleaf Whittier
Sonnet Xlvi

Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of thy sight;
Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Holy Sonnet Xiii: What If This Present

What if this present were the worlds last night?
Marke in my heart, O Soule, where thou dost dwell,
The picture of Christ crucified, and tell
Whether that countenance can thee affright,
John Donne

John Donne
On Receipt Of My Mother's Picture

Oh that those lips had language! Life has pass'd
With me but roughly since I heard thee last.
Those lips are thine-thy own sweet smiles I see,
The same that oft in childhood solaced me;
William Cowper

William Cowper
In The Factory

Oh, here in the shop the machines roar so wildly,
That oft, unaware that I am, or have been,
I sink and am lost in the terrible tumult;
And void is my soul… I am but a machine.

Morris Rosenfeld
A Dream Of Life

When I was young-long, long ago-
I dreamed myself among the flowers;
And fancy drew the picture so,
They seemed like Fairies in their bowers.

Sam G. Goodrich
The House That Was

Of the old house, only a few, crumbled
Courses of brick, smothered in nettle and dock,
Or a shaped stone lying mossy where it tumbled!
Sprawling bramble and saucy thistle mock

Robert Laurence Binyon

Should I get married? Should I be Good?
Astound the girl next door with my velvet suit and faustaus hood?
Don't take her to movies but to cemeteries
tell all about werewolf bathtubs and forked clarinets

Gregory Corso
Marmion: Canto Iii. - The Inn


The livelong day Lord Marmion rode:
The mountain path the Palmer showed,

Walter Scott (sir)
Hee Balou.

Tune - "The Highland Balou."

Robert Burns

Robert Burns
Blind Old Milton

Place me once more, my daughter, where the sun
May shine upon my old and time-worn head,
For the last time, perchance. My race is run;
And soon amidst the ever-silent dead

William Edmondstoune Aytoun
A Prologue

While to the clarion blown by Marlowe's breath
Tall Tragedy tramped by in hues of death,
And Shakespeare yet was tuning string by string,
With English hawthorn crowned, in that glad spring

John Le Gay Brereton
Ode To Rae Wilson Esq.

A WANDERER, Wilson, from my native land,
Remote, O Rae, from godliness and thee,
Where rolls between us the eternal sea,
Besides some furlongs of a foreign sand,â??
Thomas Hood

Thomas Hood
Maud Muller

Maud Muller on a summer's day
Raked the meadow sweet with hay.

Beneath her torn hat glowed the wealth
John Greenleaf Whittier

John Greenleaf Whittier
The Gathering Of The Brown-eyed

The brown eyes came from Asia, where all mystery is true,
Ere the masters of Soul Secrets dreamed of hazel, grey, and blue;
And the Brown Eyes came to Egypt, which is called the gypsiesâ?? home,
And the Brown Eyes went from Egypt and Jerusalem to Rome.
Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson