A time will come when time will fail you
A time when their ears will fail you
A time when their eyes will not see you
And their mouth can no longer speak.
A time will come when you will crave so much
For a touch that is not even dear
A time when their hands can no longer hold you
And their lips will cease to kiss you.

Love now when they still have life
Show them how much you love them
Let them know how much you appreciate them
Now, that they still have the gift of life
Love them beyond mere words
The frame of words are not strong enough to hold love
They are the inadequate means to express true love.

Love them now, don't say Tommorow
Tomorrow is a friend that lives far away
He echoes promises of appointments
That he cannot and will never redeem
He is a friend not to be trusted
An unfaithful friend that never comes by.

And if you say Next Day, who knows?
Next Day may never live out of your dreams
Or may be too terrestrial to house your soul then
For who knows what manner of mortal
You would have become when Next Day comes

Love now when you have life
Love now when they can still feel you
A leaf in a living hand is worth
More than a million flowers at the grave
Love now when they can still hold their breath
Love now, let them feel you once lived
Now is the best time to love
Because, the best time to love is now.