By the roadside she sat,
Her face buried in her arms
Her hands very wet
Thoroughly washed by the streams
Running down her sad face
Tears rolling down the cheeks
Unhappy, devastated and very stressed
What on earth can she do?
Where is the hope she used to hear in church
And not even the preacher giving a hand of help
Not even those faithful saints care
No one to give a shoulder for her
Where is she going to lean on?

All hope is lost
All dreams burried with the remembrance
Of that fateful night
The night that hell became real
When humanity became just a word
Her pain an untold story
Watching her parents die
A very painful death in the hands
Of those armed robbers
Her escape just a lucky shot

She believes no one
She trusts none on earth
Her trust and faith only on God
Her face in her arms
That's her comfort.
Her tears endless
The pain so deep that it feels
Like only yesterday when
It all happened.
This is her endless tears