In a world obsessed with the external guise,
Where beauty's judged by color and size,
There lies a gem, a rare divine grace,
Love finds its home in an internal space.

For within the depths of a gentle soul,
Resides a beauty that can make us whole,
Beyond the shell where judgments may reside,
Love sees the beauty that cannot hide.

No flawless face or perfect symmetry,
Could ever match true inner beauty,
For radiance shines from deepest within,
Where love's pure light forever has been.

A heart that's filled with empathy and care,
With compassion unyielding, always there,
It holds the power to heal and to inspire,
To ignite love's flames and set hearts on fire.

For love's not blind, it simply understands,
The true essence of beauty that expands,
Beyond the surface, it effortlessly sees,
The spark that ignites eternal unease.

So let not the world define what's true and real,
For love knows that beauty is what we feel,
It resides in kindness, in tender embrace,
In selfless acts that leave no empty space.

Embrace the beauty lurking deep inside,
Let love's light shine and never be denied,
For in the end, it's what will truly last,
Eternal beauty, by love's light so vast.