Living your life, ignore my perception
Two of your wrongs don’t make me a right
But lets not get forward your free will a joke
Not costless but binding in any law court
Irrevocable choices now set in stone
Changes are future not a back date
Honing and moulding what some call our fate
Not written in tablets but ours to dictate

Nurture and nature the luck of the draw
No time travel options to change what has been
So why do we do it, look over our shoulder
Mistakes of our past just make us feel older
Best look to the future our only true freedom
To alter our steering, our personal Te Deum

360 vision shows context not choice
Ruts sinking in history, engrained here and after
Laid out in confusion with perfect foresight
Like so many fillets on fishmongers’ slab
That given the choice select their own rank
On pristine white marble, their known catafalque