I look to you from eye to eye
But only see your back
Forever further down the road

Love marches feeling side by side
But steps from back to front
Forever further down the road

The gap between becomes a moat
That has no beam to span
Forever down the road

No eye to eye, no beams or motes
Just woody tear filled orbs
Forever down the road

But arms length can be very close
And time dries out that moat
Forever further down the road

And then you fade, you’re out of sight
But I am not alone
Forever down the road

As you, my new, now see my back
Receive my backward words
Forever down the road

You and I, in syncopation
Our places now reversed
Forever further down the road

You find it strange to see my back
Don’t let your marching falter
Forever down the road

Remember this, your time has come
In sadness I’m content, to know
Your back I’ll never see
Further down your road