Darling, where are you tonight?
What became of our romance?
We used to sing love songs together.
Who is singing with you now?
We used to dance to slow music.
Who is dancing with you now?
We used to make love after dusk.
Who is making love to you tonight?

I ask myself, “How did I lose you?”
And the question befuddles my mind.
I am so depressed all the time.
It was an irreversible act to let you go.
Darling, I cannot go on alone.
In the shadow of loneliness I stand.
Even though you are not here anymore,
I feel your presence around me.

You were not forbearing when I irked you.
You flared up and you walked out on me.
Darling, I did not want us to break up.
I would have preferred dying to losing you.
I paid a harsh penalty for my error.
How I wish I could dance with you again.
I want to sing love songs with you again.
And I want to make love to you again.