How do I describe a God that is indescribable,
In words that are finite, in thoughts that are fallible?
A presence so vast, it fills the cosmos,
Yet intimate enough to dwell within us.

How do I portray the Creator of all,
Whose canvas is the universe, both big and small?
The One who paints the sunset's fiery glow,
And sculpts each snowflake in the winter's snow.

How do I depict the Author of life,
Who pens each chapter with love and strife?
The One who writes the sparrow's flight,
And scripts the stars in the canvas of night.

How do I illustrate the Architect divine,
Whose blueprints include every creature and pine?
The One who designed the human heart,
And gave each story it's unique start.

Indescribable, yes, but not unknowable,
Incomprehensible, yet so personal.
For in every sunrise, in every face,
We see the echoes of His grace.