Our WORLD,a world that is falling apart
A world that has lost it's inner heart
That makes men tear apart a woman's

To just please themselves ONLY
themselves without permission
They immediately lost concentration
A No is a No not yes
Pull up my dress,
If not rape they kill

Some of them for money deals
Things are real
Our woman don't live to fulfill their
Lives but to be killed by men
Are we safe though
We just want to be proud of ourselves
And glow

Am I next?
Is she next?well,
I thought so
What have we done to be pointed with a gun
We can't even go and stand in the sun
Without thinking, someone might
Run us over,stab,shoot or rape us

We are targets
We can't even go to the market
Our WORLD is falling apart
It already lost everything
Let's break the silence

-Thatohatsi Maifadi