I am a young black man
Swimming in a sea of stereotypes and stigmas
Navigating a world that doesn't know or understand me
Existing in a place that often seeks to harm me

I'm told that my blackness is a curse
That I came into this world doomed to suffer and hurt
That my skin color is a liability
That I will always be a problem to society

But I am not just a color or a label
I am a person with dreams and aspirations
With a heart that beats with passion and love
A soul that yearns for connection and compassion

Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning
In a world that is deaf to my cries
Where my pain and anger are silenced
Dismissed as just another black boy's lies

But I refuse to let them define me
To let their ignorance and hate control me
I will rise above their bigotry and bias
I will break the chains of their stereotypes and quiet us.

Yes, I am a young black man
But I am also so much more
I am a human being with dignity and worth
A person who deserves respect and support

So let me walk my path with my head held high
Let me own my strength and my pride
For I am a young black man, and I matter
And my voice and my stories cannot be denied.