In the pursuit of my dream
I went up the peak of hill
And gave a loud scream
I could hear the echoes
Spreading all around
My passion too gave a hound

In the pursuit of my dream
I went down to look for the stream
All I can hear was its roar
Telling me to go for it
What i am made for

In the pursuit of my dream
I looked up to the sky
And follwed the direction
Guided by the stars
There were obstacles ,there were scars
But they cannot stop me in the
Journey l have made so far

And I could see the final destination
Calling me by name
"It's me ",l gave an acclaim.
Ultimate was the experience
And feeling so profound
For sure I was flying
But kept my feet on the ground

As Union with the goal
Is not an absolute end
In the pursuit of my dream
I can do it all again
Again and again.