Extrinsic and intrinsic values
Are inextricably tied to volition
Riches or poverty is a choice
So decide your fate.

If you are blessed bless others
Your extrinsic possessions
are for a sojourn,
Has greed blind you from seeing
the intrinsic value of your neighbours?

Why not borrow a leaf
From the rich man and Lazarus,
The rich man unconsciously colluded
to sniff breathe from Lazarus,
Nefariously smiling at his condition.

Ignorantly he avoided his intrinsic
duties to Lazarus,
Are you like the rich man?
Who snobs beggers at your gate?

Your scornful eyes mock the needy
The widows come at your gate
But your ears deaf to the yearnings
of their pleas.

Your extrinsic value
ends in death,
The intrinsic value
stands in judgment.

If fated poor
By the enfeeblement of your fists
Then rejoice in penury,
For your reward intrinsically awaits you.

Though earthly handicapped
But your deeds speak for you
Strive, struggle and hustle
To enter through the narrow gate.

Lazarus a living testimony
The rich man dined and wined
in hell,
Decide your fate
Now or never.