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Walt Whitman Poems

  • Chanson Au Coucher Du Soleil
    Splendeur du jour terminé, flottant et me remplissant!
    Heure prophétique-heure reprenant le passé!
    Gonfler ma gorge-vous, divin moyen!
    Toi, Terre et Vie, jusqu'à ce que le dernier rayon brille, je chante. ...
  • Lied Bei Sonnenuntergang
    Pracht des beendeten Tages, schwebend und füllend mich!
    Stunde prophetische Stunde, die die Vergangenheit wieder aufnimmt!
    Aufblasen meiner Kehle - du, göttlicher Durchschnitt!
    Du, Erde und Leben, bis der letzte Strahl schimmert, singe ich. ...
  • Canción Al Atardecer
    ¡Esplendor del día terminado, flotando y llenándome!
    ¡Hora profética, reanudando el pasado!
    ¡Inflando mi garganta, tú, divino promedio!
    Tú, Tierra y Vida, hasta que brille el último rayo, canto. ...
  • Je M'assois Et Regarde
    Je m'assois et regarde tous les chagrins du monde, et tous
    oppression et honte;
    J'entends des sanglots convulsifs secrets de jeunes hommes, angoissés par
    eux-mêmes, plein de remords après les actes accomplis; ...
  • Ich Sitze Und Schaue Hinaus
    Ich sitze und schaue auf alle Sorgen der Welt und auf alle
    Unterdrückung und Scham;
    Ich höre heimliche krampfhafte Schluchzer von jungen Männern, die Angst haben
    selbst, reuig nach Taten getan; ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Walt Whitman

Life 128 Love 116 I Love You 116 Long 110 Soul 103 Earth 94 Death 93 Night 92 Sea 90 Time 89

Walt Whitman Quotes

  • Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.
  • Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.
  • And whether I come to my own today or in ten thousand or ten million years, I can cheefully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait... And as to you, Life, I reckon you are the leavings of many deaths, (No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before.)
  • Answer That you are here---that life exists and identity, That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.
  • I celebrate myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
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Comments about Walt Whitman

Miamiohenglish: today at 4:30, stop by bac 337 to hear about the future of the english major with lit co-directors michele navakas and patrick murphy. we'll also talk about fall classes & get hyped about the walt whitman "leaves of grass" reading event happening in few weeks. there'll be snacks!
Elizabethw13251: you can never know where i am or what i am,but i am good company to you nonetheless,and really do regret i broke your ink,henry n. beard, poetry for cats: the definitive anthology of distinguished feline verse,cats, humor, leaves-of-grass, song-of-myself, walt-whitman,
M77097082: urge and urge and urge,always the procreant urge of the world.,walt whitman, leaves of grass: the first (1855) edition,creation,
Coachloduca: michael orgera 2025 walt whitman grad - hard hitting catcher that handles a pitching staff with maturity!
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Mazel Irene Moore year 2004: 2 powms written and published

Poem of the day

Oscar Wilde Poem
A Villanelle
 by Oscar Wilde

O singer of Persephone!
In the dim meadows desolate
Dost thou remember Sicily?

Still through the ivy flits the bee
Where Amaryllis lies in state;
O Singer of Persephone!


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