It emerged as a negligible pimple just beside my privates
I scratched the alien mercilessly and I thought I had finished it
The following morning it had gained momentum, bombshell!
Developed into something too big to be called a pimple
I told my mum, but she warned me with it, not to temper

I decided to run an unrecorded experiment in my solitude
I pressed it a little and some semi-liquid fluid trickled out
I was impressed by the discovery and I told my fellow idiots
They began to herald the bulletin, even to the feminine
‘He has got on his privates a fierce tumour’, said the rumour

I was the king, and I made my subjects pay to see the thing
It was a tourist attraction, and they paid for pain compensation
I walked like a WWE champion, but I remained valiant
The elderly who inferred I told them it was my new step
But I always marvelled at my mum who didn’t care or pep

All hell broke loose when she said the boil was ripe
She wanted to deal with it instantly, but I wasn’t an easy type
It was my public secret, and I couldn’t imagine losing my pride
Evening came and she spoiled me with some pumpkin porridge
My favourite kind of porridge - I got so tranquil

‘I will not harm you, my son, don’t even worry’, she said
I got comfort in her words and fell asleep in her arms
In dreamland, I saw my hands and legs all chained
As I tried to loosen myself, I woke up from my sleep
I saw four familiar women surrounding when I threw a peep

The necromancer from next door was holding my left leg
The one I trusted, my own adorable sister had my right
And my other mother was holding my two hands tight
I had nowhere to run because they were all against me
Mum signalled and they exposed my private to the raging cold

Don’t kill me, I shouted in both fright and predicted pain
I cried at the top of my voice but no one paid a courtesy
Leisurely I felt mum’s mighty hands against my poor asset
They had slapped me several times but this was a different touch
One that made my bladder discharge its contents without my consent

The boil began to vibrate as if it was a living vertebrate
Sending a danger warning to the rest of the body via the blood
‘It’s now ripe, let's deal with it’ mum apprised the others
They stiffened grips and I cried until I couldn’t anymore
I had to vomit the sins I didn’t commit owing to anxiety

I cursed my mum clamorously, but she just shook her head humorously
‘You are all witches’ I shouted again but they cast a deaf ear
Mum touched around the boil, with her thumb and pointer to feel
And abruptly she did a long, deep and furious press
That instant I then let out a scream to the unbearable

I felt like I had just given birth to triplets at first
Secondly and more scary I thought my seed bag had burst
But lo, it was that white painful particle that hopped out
One they refer to as the heart, core or centre of a boil
And I popped my eyes out in both shock and relief

They smeared some clinical substance called betadine
Mom then stuck a bandage and they let me go
I slowly pulled my legs closer to each other
And strut in my dungaree, both in shame and thanksgiving
I looked at all their faces, and they began to chortle

I stood up little by little in fear of not walking at all
But was stunned when I noticed my step was back to normal
I smiled like a racoon and began to jump up and down
I ran swiftly out of the house to my fellow grade 2’s shouting
The boil is gone, my boil is gone, and my mum is the best!