Man was born to feel pain
To suffer and to die
His first entry into the world was a cry
The first of many to come
His entire existence he labours
But outer powers do him no favours
For all his labours are in vain
For brief instances, cruel gods
Grant him joy
Mere commercials to the main show

But man was not born to only feel pain
For how can one feel pain if it is not afflicted
Man was also born to cause pain
His first entry was announced by the wails of another
His every success means another's failure
His every laugh is another's cry
Is man really deserving of his pain?
He is not oblivious to the pain he causes
He monopolizes suffering for his benefit
He plays the role of the gods
Granting his fellow man an illusion of happiness
After playing this game of tag
One thing is for certain
His last exit shall be marked with tears