That is a special friend, one in a million
She is the one that feels you when you're sick
She cheers you up when the chips are down
Makes you laugh when you are sad
She is a friend indeed.

When your day turns to night, Jerry sticks by you
She is there when daylight comes
Jerry never leaves you she is your soul mate
Your only asset when you are bankrupt
She is a friend in need.

When you think your world has come to an end
She tells you the horizon moves
She tells you what stands on your facade
Shows you where true love stands
She helps you up, gives you a push start.

You will call Jerry in the middle of the night
She will pick up your calls, always feels your need
She will stop her life just for you
She is your shelter in times of thunderstorms
She is the one to catch you before you fall
A true friend that you will love forever.

Life is not that perfect
Friends come in all colors
Those that salt your wounds,
They push you down when you stumble
They leave when your lights are turned off
They blindfold you when your shooting star shows
They kill your resilience they put your soul down.

There comes a time for you to hurt
When you wonder who your true friends are
But the fake ones are the first to show
It breaks your heart, it kills your faith
But Jerry, always lurking in your periphery, is your solace

Your sunshine on a cloudy day, your anchor at shore.
There are those times your heart cries out
When all you need is an assuring pat
When, every direction you turn are strange face
Those times you wish you could fly away
Away to a distance you never imagined before
Those are the times you need a real friend
That one who puts a smile on your face for no charge.