Philosopher, A Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


Zack Bumstead useter flosserfizeA
About the ocean an' the skiesA
An' gab an' gas f'um morn till noonB
About the other side the moonB
An' 'bout the natur of the placeA
Ten miles beyend the end of spaceA
An' if his wife she'd ask the crankC
Ef he wouldn't kinder try to yankC
Hisself out doors an' git some woodD
To make her kitchen fire goodD
So she c'd bake her beans an' piesA
He'd say I've gotter flosserfizeA
An' then he'd set an' flosserfizeA
About the natur an' the sizeA
Of angels' wings an' think and gawpE
An' wonder how they make 'em flopE
He'd calkerlate how long a skidF
'Twould take to move the sun he didF
An' if the skid was strong an' primeG
It couldn't be moved to supper timeG
An' w'en his wife 'd ask the loutH
Ef he wouldn't kinder waltz aboutH
An' take a rag an' shoo the fliesA
He'd say I've gotter flosserfizeA
An' then he'd set an' flosserfizeA
'Bout schemes for fencing in the skiesA
Then lettin' out the lots to rentI
So's he could make an honest centI
An' if he'd find it pooty toughJ
To borry cash fer fencin' stuffJ
An' if 'twere best to take his wealthK
An' go to Europe for his healthK
Or save his cash till he'd enoughJ
To buy some more of fencin' stuffJ
Then ef his wife she'd ask the gumpE
Ef he wouldn't kinder try to humpE
Hisself to t'other side the doorL
So she c'd come an' sweep the floorL
He'd look at her with mournful eyesA
An' say I've gotter flosserfizeA
An' so he'd set an' flosserfizeA
'Bout what it wuz held up the skiesA
An' how God made this earthly ballM
Jest simply out er nawthin' 'tallM
An' 'bout the natur shape an' formN
Of nawthin' that he made it fromO
Then ef his wife sh'd ask the freakP
Ef he wouldn't kinder try to sneakP
Out to the barn an' find some aigsA
He'd never move nor lift his laigsA
He'd never stir nor try to riseA
But say I've gotter flosserfizeA
An' so he'd set an' flosserfizeA
About the earth an' sea an' skiesA
An' scratch his head an' ask the causeA
Of w'at there wuz before time wuzA
An' w'at the universe 'd doQ
Bimeby w'en time hed all got throughQ
An' jest how fur we'd have to climbG
Ef we sh'd travel out er timeG
An' ef we'd need w'en we got thereR
To keep our watches in repairR
Then ef his wife she'd ask the gawkS
Ef he wouldn't kinder try to walkS
To where she had the table spreadT
An' kinder git his stomach fedT
He'd leap for that ar kitchen doorL
An' say W'y didn't you speak aforeL
An' when he'd got his supper etU
He'd set an' set an' set an' setU
An' fold his arms an' shet his eyesA
An' set an' set an' flosserfizeA

Sam Walter Foss


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