When this love fades
When what bound us dissipates
When that laughter
Intends to birth disaster
Pray, let me go.

If my tears
No longer array your fears
If my smiles become dry
Fertile with callousness
Pray, let me go.

When this bed
Becomes a battle ground
Full of seen and unseen adversaries
Find it in your means
And let me go.

When we exhaust these coffers
Of understanding and bearing
When nights turn us to thieves
Crawling back at wee hours
Pray, let me go.

When once our clear sight
Gets blurred and fail to see
The impending danger
When our ears get waxed
And fail to recognize drums-
Drums of war and malice
Draw your lines, and
Pray, let me go.

When your heart
Boils with spite
Upon seeing our fruits
Calm your nerves, and
Pray, let me go

When this kitchenette
Turns to an armory
Filled to the brim with arsenals
When evil thoughts cross your mind
Pray, let me go

If thus you are tired with me
Slit my throat not
Poison my food not
Strangle our fruits not
Kill yourself not
Let us in peace part
For we are all mortals