Your imagination tells you that your race is superior to others,
But in reality, you’re not better human beings than I am.
All mortal men of dust should treat one another as equals.
You think my life doesn’t matter because I’m a Negro,
So you abuse me and murder my children with impunity.

What kind of person doesn't regard some persons as human beings?
The shade of my skin doesn’t make me a lesser man.
Why does a white person have to stand up for me?
No thank you, ma’am or sir, don’t do me any favours.
People who are prejudiced against me shouldn’t vouch for me.

Hating someone who has done you a wrong is understandable,
But it’s inexcusable to hate someone without justification.
Your forefathers taught their offspring that Negroes were monkeys,
So you were reared with the misconception that I’m not a man.
Imbeciles and ignorant people regard humans as wild animals.

Bigots and racists, you can go to hell with your pretence.
You despise me so much because I’m of a different race.
And I abominate your intention to rob me of my dignity.
Shame on you for bringing obloquy on yourselves.
Do yourselves a favour and cleanse your minds of racial hatred.