Prismatic Boston Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


Fair city by the famed Batrachian PoolA
Wise in the teachings of the Concord SchoolA
Home of the Eurus paradise of cranksB
Stronghold of thrift proud in your hundred banksB
Land of the mind cure and the abstruse bookC
The Monday lecture and the shrinking CookC
Where twin lensed maidens careless of their shoesD
In phrase Johnsonian oft express their viewsD
Where realistic pens invite the throngE
To mention spades lest shovels should be wrongE
Where gaping strangers read the thrilling odeF
To Pilgrim Trousers on the West End roadF
Where strange sartorial questions as to pantsG
Offend our sisters cousins and our auntsG
Where men expect by simple faith and prayerH
To lift a lid and find a dollar thereH
Where labyrinthine lanes that sinuous creepI
Make Theseus sigh and Ariadne weepI
Where clubs gregarious take commercial risksJ
'Mid fluctuations of alluring disksJ
Where Beacon Hill is ever proud to showK
Her reeking veins of liquid indigoK
To thee fair land I dedicate my songE
And tell how simple artless minds go wrongE
A Common Councilman with lordly airH
One day went strolling down through Copley SquareH
Within his breast there beat a spotless heartL
His taste was pure his soul was steeped in artL
For he had worshiped oft at Cass's shrineM
Had daily knelt at Cogswell's fount divineM
And chaste surroundings of the City HallN
Had taught him much and so he knew it allN
Proud in a sack coat and a high silk hatO
Content in knowing just where he was atO
He wandered on till gazing toward the skiesP
A nameless horror met his modest eyesP
For where the artist's chisel had engrossedQ
An emblem fit on Boston's proudest boastQ
There stood aloft with graceful equipoiseP
Two very small unexpurgated boysP
Filled with solicitude for city youthR
Whose morals suffer when they're told the truthR
Whose ethic standards high and higher riseP
When taught that God and nature are but liesP
In haste he to the council chamber hiedQ
His startled fellow members called asideQ
His fearful secret whispering disclosedQ
Till all their separate joints were ankylosedQ
Appalling was the silence at his taleS
Democrats turned red Republicans turned paleS
What mugwumps turned 'tis difficult to thinkT
But probably they compromised on pinkT
When these stern moralists had their breaths regainedQ
And told how deeply they were shocked and painedQ
They then resolved how wrong our children areU
Said Boys should be contented with a scarU
Rebuked Dame Nature for her deadly sinsP
And damned trustees who foster Heavenly TwinsP
O Councilmen if it were left for youV
To say what art is false and what is trueV
What strange anomalies would the world beholdQ
Dolls would be angels dross would count for goldQ
Vice would be virtue virtues would be taintsP
Gods would be devils Councilmen be saintsP
And this sage law by your wise minds be builtQ
No boy shall live if born without a kiltQ
Then you'd resolve to soothe all moral achesP
We're always right but God has made mistakesP

Arthur Macy


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