Barbara Frietchie Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


Barbara Frietchie ban brave old henA
Her age it ban tree score and tenA
She living in Frederick MarylandB
It ban yust a dinky von night standC
But Barbara rise to fame yu betD
And folks ban talking about her yetD
Ef yu lak to know yust how dis banE
Ay skol tal yu story the best ay canE
Op the street com Yen ral YacksonE
Ay bet yu he ban a gude attractionE
For all dese Reubs skol rubber lak halF
And some of dem calling the yen'ral palF
Yackson he see dem on both sidesG
Shooting dis bunk to save deir hidesG
Den op in vindow he see big flagH
And tenk at first he must have a yagH
No sure enuff it ban Union YackH
So Stonevall stand on his horse's backH
Yell at his men Dey shoot von and allI
And into the gutter flag skol fallI
Den Barbara get pretty mad yu betD
And say Ay skol fule dese geezers yetD
She run to her bureau double hasteJ
And yerking out dandy peek a boo waistJ
Nail it to flagstaff and vave it hardK
And say Dis skol hold yu avile old pardK
Shoot ef yu must dis peek a booL
Ef it ant qvite holy enough for yuL
And tak gude aim at dis old gray headK
But spare yure country's flag she saidK
Den Stonevall Yackson look purty cheapM
And all his soldiers feel yust lak sheepM
He say Dis lady skol standing patK
She ban game old party ay tal yu datK
Who taking a shot at yon gray hairN
Skol get gude ticket for Golden StairN
All day long in Frederick townE
Soldiers ban marching op and downE
And late dat night ven dey leave on SooL
Dey see dis fluttering peek a booL
And Stonevall Yackson say Vat yu tenkH
And yerk out bottle and tak gude drenkH

William F. Kirk


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