You laid it up for me that I was
Would always be all you wanted
I fell back for you my first love
It was some crazy kind of love
Some real kind of love
Saw us cry, fight and laugh
It was all we had, and miss it I do.

You worked your heart out dry
Your two flowers you loved to death
The one thing I knew you loved
Closest to your heart was a dream
The best I never did for it
My heart cries of guilt
I know I let you down crown rose
It’s too late to make wrong right
All I can do is cry for you my stone flower
How I wish I could have half of you.

I wish it was enough to say the word love
Now I know words mean nothing
All I wish is your watchful eye
That which kept me grounded
So I can live up to the man you trusted
That I may not let your flowers dry
The least I can is promise
I will love them to my own death
Please forgive me, I know not what to do
I should have listened to you.

I cry for you today Maggie
With a stone heart, so heavy I struggle to keep up.
I cry for my lost chances,
That I had, to keep you fighting.
I cry for letting you down, diamond queen
I asked you to hang on long enough
But your passion was too strong
Violent for a losing heart
I had banked on your strength
Maybe I didn’t ask often enough
For you to believe me from afar

You didn’t have to give up on me girl
Because I would never let you go that way
Not without the smile I fell in love with.
It’s hard to say goodbye
For you always be the fire in my heart
You left me a reason to hang on
For Shingi, your dreams will never die in vain.