O lord of my salvation ,
Make me your witness in all nation(s).
I kneel before you day and night
Lord make me strong and might .

O lord my fortress ,
Make me a mighty tree in the forest
Give me more knowledge
Even those I didn't attain at the college.

You are a strong tower
And you said 'ye are gods'
Make me as strong as tower
So the world will know you are God.

You are my life and breadth
In your hand lies my daily bread
Though I look poor and needy
God ,make me a giver to the needy .

You are the God of mercy
Let me at all time find in you mercy.
Give me a nice flavour
So the world would render me favour .

For you are my grace
Don't let me be disgrace
Let me in your words , do wonder
For they touches earth like thunder .

Dear Lord ,that answers prayers
This are my prayers.
All this I pray unto thee
Let my prayer come unto thee.