It takes a little longer to feel the way that I want to feel
I feel as though what I am doing is right for me
I am unsure of the certaint1y that something might work
I am working hard to make sure I can obtain a certain type of pleasure
Everything is at peace when I am in my zone
A zone where I feel as though I am not a target to anything
I am in a space where there is someone who understands da me
We are doing the same thing and therefore we have something in common
I am doing what I want to do more because of this association
What I am doing is starting g to feel right because I am not overly excited
The pace at which I am going is certainly ly impressing
What I am doing g will always gain me a sense of pleasure
I am sure that I will be satisfied with what comes with the benefits of work
The benefits of work are pleasure
Therefore,I am happy I did something.