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The Old Gumbie Cat

I have a Gumbie Cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots;
Her coat is of the tabby kind, with tiger stripes and leopard spots.
All day she sits upon the stair or on the steps or on the mat;
She sits and sits and sits and sits-and that's what makes a Gumbie Cat!
T. S. Eliot

T. S. Eliot
Art's Martyr

Telleth of a young man that fain would be fairly tattooed on his
flesh, after the heathen manner, in devices of blue, and that,
falling among the Dyacks, a folk of Borneo, was by them tattooed
in modern fashion and device, and of his misery that fell upon
Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang
A Sanitary Message

Last night, above the whistling wind,
I heard the welcome rain,-
A fusillade upon the roof,
A tattoo on the pane:
Bret Harte

Bret Harte

The light is like a spider.
It crawls over the water.
It crawls over the edges of the snow.
It crawls under your eyelids

Wallace Stevens
Rain Music

On the dusty earth-drum
Beats the falling rain;
Now a whispered murmur,
Now a louder strain.

Joseph Seamon Cotter
Suicide Off Egg Rock

Behind him the hotdogs split and drizzled
On the public grills, and the ochreous salt flats,
Gas tanks, factory stacks- that landscape
Of imperfections his bowels were part of-

Sylvia Plath
Pinkle Purr

Tattoo was the mother of Pinkle Purr,
A little black nothing of feet and fur;
And by-and-by, when his eyes came through,
He saw his mother, the big Tattoo.

Alan Alexander Milne

I am the criminal whose chest is tattooed with a poinard above which are graven the words 'mort aux bourgeois'. Let us each tattoo this on our hearts.
I am the soldier with a red mark on my nakedness-when in a frenzy of love the mark expands to spell Mad Queen. Let us each tattoo our Mad Queen on our heart.
I am the prophet from the land of the Sun whose back is tattooed in the design of a rising sun. Let us each tattoo a rising sun on our heart.


Harry Crosby
I Keep Your Smile Tattoo On My Heart

I cant imagine life without you,
I cant forget the light you brought me in,
Memories of your touch remain with me,
How can i forget the smile of your lips?
Cristina Teodor

Cristina Teodor
A Sanitary Message

Last night, above the whistling wind,
I heard the welcome rain,
A fusillade upon the roof,
A tattoo on the pane:

Bret Harte (francis)
Going To School In Bed

If it is impossible to promise
absolute fidelity,
this is because
we learn so much geography

Erica Jong
In Harness


The foreman's head
slowly circling…

Lola Ridge
Uncle Sam's Soliloquy

I'm a century old and more to-day-
A ripe old age for a modern man,-
Yet they who rocked my cradle, they say,
Predicted a thousand years my span;

Madge Morris Wagner
A Tale Of Polypheme.

"There's nothing new"--Not that I go so far
As he who also said "There's nothing true,"
Since, on the contrary, I hold there are
Surviving still a verity or two;
Henry Austin Dobson

Henry Austin Dobson
The Chronicle Of The Drum

Part I.

At Paris, hard by the Maine barriers,
Whoever will choose to repair,
William Makepeace Thackeray

William Makepeace Thackeray

In a great land, a new land, a land full of labour
and riches and confusion,
Where there were many running to and fro, and
shouting, and striving together,

Henry Van Dyke
The Circus-day Parade

Oh, the Circus-Day parade! How the bugles played and played!
And how the glossy horses tossed their flossy manes, and neighed,
As the rattle and the rhyme of the tenor-drummer's time
Filled all the hungry hearts of us with melody sublime!

James Whitcomb Riley

KEEP a red heart of memories
Under the great gray rain sheds of the sky,
Under the open sun and the yellow gloaming embers.
Remember all paydays of lilacs and songbirds;
Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg
Deminishing Leaves

A tattoo of vapour and a skull of emptiness.
Each growing day each mourn and sadness,
Grasses devoided of moist waits the sickle.
Gilbert Asitibasi

Gilbert Asitibasi
A Safe Place

I would run to you each time my heart felt like a river with piranhas and gently with your fishing rod you made it safe

rejected,dejected and ejected
like a hyena looking for a desiccated
Bwesigye Laurent

Bwesigye Laurent
Crumble Love

The knife pierced the tattoo of his baby's name
It bleeds the heart that beat for his lover
It slices the chest that witnessed a million kisses
He spilled out blood red as any other
Gambo Zakka

Gambo Zakka

These shell-queens, too,
are blithely catpaws,
shorn & musky acorns with
indexed fingers erect

Paul Cameron Brown
Gangsters Prayers:the Book Of Peace Ii

To know that it exists to form out a written statement to a bar like rap the bible Exodus story about how you group counterfeit the brand does it exists? We wonder

Sorry seal for dealing with mommies in the old temple of Giza because Ramses 2 walked amongst the people as average
the for sale sign of zodiac...
Plantard Dacull

Plantard Dacull

Weddings in days of war,
false cheating comfort,
those hollow phrases:
'He won't get killed...'

Yevgeny Yevtushenko