*إذهب إلى فرعون إنه طغى*
*Go to fir'aun (pharaoh) verily he has transgressed (All bounds in disbelief and disobedience and has behaved in an arrogant and as a tyrant Q20v24)*


If the bird
At the claws
Of the leopard
Display it wings,
It become a feast.

If the peacock
In multicolor
Sprout out it feathers,
They become countless
With the famished lion
At first blush.

If the earth
Rebuff to accommodate
The wind and storm,
Domiciles, farms, animals,
And man shall report the story

If the sky
Send to the blue ball,
Anger streak
The ears and eyes shall relate.

*Ismail junaid oluwadamilare ...paciolo pen saint*