I didn’t start writing for fun!

The very first night I inked my scars into a blank paper, it wasn’t for pleasure. I put my pains out in that sheet and took revenge on it as though it stole my happiness. Lazy as I can get, each time I get defeated by pain again, I get back to the status quo and it goes on and on.

Slowly, my arts of venting my anger on a paper became a source of smile for my bank account and it made no sense! Maybe more sense, I cried my way into a fatter pay Cheque!
This night again like my first night, I’m hurt beyond all words that I know . Here is the coward again keying words into a keypad, with her eyes well soaked from the pains of several torture she had to endure. Life, Family, and Love. Little time has she for the storms that might seem to be coming her way.
Here, a coward who knows not too much about ways to make many things happen, hurt again and do not have anything against life, here is to accepting again that to live is to get hurt many times. But to continue living, she must not stop because of this hurt!

This is how emotions soaked tears in the eyes of a seemingly strong one! Once more, Heavens cry too when they have enough! Now again, I’ve had enough.