Today I’m gonna talk about a friend
A friend, who has always cared for me
It has been a very short time since I first met her
Though it has felt like I’ve known her for ages
Yes I’m talking about that friend
The one whose probably reading this smiling and wondering
Who this could be about
She’s so kind and loving
A heartwarming person with unlimited qualities
She’s the only one who cheers me up when I’m sad
Takes time to hear my questionable stories
And makes funny jokes about the people I don’t like
She does her best to calm me down,
Even when she’s not in the best emotional state herself
She gives me motivation, a little nudge
To see things differently, purely
Just as her sympathetic personality, that I adore
She gives the best advice
Always has the cleanest intentions
And a great ability to handle situations
She encourages me to always have hope
To not listen to people who want the worst for me
She asks me to always be grateful
For what I have and what’s around me
She tells me to never give up
To never let the worst get to me
But mostly she appreciates me for who I am
And I’m very appreciative for that
Thanks for helping me through my tough times
And listening to all my previous rhymes