The Star's Monument Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


In The Concluding Part Of A Discourse On FameA
He thinksB
If there be memory in the world to comeC
If thought recur to SOME THINGS silenced hereD
Then shall the deep heart be no longer dumbC
But find expression in that happier sphereE
It shall not be denied their utmost sumC
Of love to speak without or fault or fearE
But utter to the harp with changes sweetF
Words that forbidden still then heaven were incompleteF
He speaksG
Now let us talk about the ancient daysH
And things which happened long before our birthI
It is a pity to lament that praiseH
Should be no shadow in the train of worthI
What is it Madam that your heart dismaysH
Why murmur at the course of this vast earthI
Think rather of the work than of the praiseH
Come we will talk about the ancient daysH
There was a Poet Madam once said heJ
I will relate his story to you nowK
While through the branches of this apple treeJ
Some spots of sunshine flicker on your browK
While every flower hath on its breast a beeJ
And every bird in stirring doth endowK
The grass with falling blooms that smoothly glideL
As ships drop down a river with the tideL
For telling of his tale no fitter placeM
Then this old orchard sloping to the westN
Through its pink dome of blossom I can traceM
Some overlying azure for the restN
These flowery branches round us interlaceM
The ground is hollowed like a mossy nestN
Who talks of fame while the religious SpringO
Offers the incense of her blossomingO
There was a Poet Madam once said heJ
Who while he walked at sundown in a laneP
Took to his heart the hope that destinyJ
Had singled him this guerdon to obtainP
That by the power of his sweet minstrelsyM
Some hearts for truth and goodness he should gainP
And charm some grovellers to uplift their eyesM
And suddenly wax conscious of the skiesM
Master good e'en to ye a woodman saidQ
Who the low hedge was trimming with his shearsM
This hour is fine the Poet bowed his headQ
More fine he thought O friend to me appearsM
The sunset than to you finer the spreadQ
Of orange lustre through these azure spheresM
Where little clouds lie still like flocks of sheepR
Or vessels sailing in God's other deepR
O finer far What work so high as mineS
Interpreter betwixt the world and manT
Nature's ungathered pearls to set and shrineS
The mystery she wraps her in to scanT
Her unsyllabic voices to combineS
And serve her with such love as poets canT
With mortal words her chant of praise to bindU
Then die and leave the poem to mankindU
O fair O fine O lot to be desiredV
Early and late my heart appeals to meJ
And says 'O work O will Thou man be firedV
To earn this lot ' she says 'I would not beJ
A worker for mine OWN bread or one hiredV
For mine OWN profit O I would be freeJ
To work for others love so earned of themW
Should be my wages and my diademW
'Then when I died I should not fall ' says sheJ
'Like dropping flowers that no man noticethI
But like a great branch of some stately treeJ
Rent in a tempest and flung down to deathI
Thick with green leafage so that piteouslyX
Each passer by that ruin shudderethI
And saith The gap this branch hath left is wideL
The loss thereof can never be supplied '-
But Madam while the Poet pondered soM
Toward the leafy hedge he turned his eyeY
And saw two slender branches that did growM
And from it rising spring and flourish highY
Their tops were twined together fast and loM
Their shadow crossed the path as he went byY
The shadow of a wild rose and a brierZ
And it was shaped in semblance like a lyreA2
In sooth a lyre and as the soft air playedB2
Those branches stirred but did not disuniteB2
O emblem meet for me the Poet saidB2
Ay I accept and own thee for my rightB2
The shadowy lyre across my feet is laidB2
Distinct though frail and clear with crimson lightB2
Fast is it twined to bear the windy strainP
And supple it will bend and rise againC2
This lyre is cast across the dusty wayD2
The common path that common men pursueM
I crave like blessing for my shadowy layD2
Life's trodden paths with beauty to renewM
And cheer the eve of many a toil stained dayD2
Light it old sun wet it thou common dewM
That 'neath men's feet its image still may beJ
While yet it waves above them living lyre like theeJ
But even as the Poet spoke beholdB2
He lifted up his face toward the skyY
The ruddy sun dipt under the gray woldB2
His shadowy lyre was gone and passing byY
The woodman lifting up his shears was boldB2
Their temper on those branches twain to tryY
And all their loveliness and leafage sweetB2
Fell in the pathway at the Poet's feetB2
Ah my fair emblem that I chose quoth heJ
That for myself I coveted but nowK
Too soon methinks them hast been false to meJ
The lyre from pathway fades the light from browK
Then straightway turned he from it hastilyJ
As dream that waking sense will disallowK
And while the highway heavenward paled apaceM
He went on westward to his dwelling placeM
He went on steadily while far and fastB2
The summer darkness dropped upon the worldB2
A gentle air among the cloudlets passedB2
And fanned away their crimson then it curledB2
The yellow poppies in the field and castB2
A dimness on the grasses for it furledB2
Their daisies and swept out the purple stainP
That eve had left upon the pastoral plainP
He reached his city Lo the darkened streetB2
Where he abode was full of gazing crowdsM
He heard the muffled tread of many feetB2
A multitude stood gazing at the cloudsM
What mark ye there said he and wherefore meetB2
Only a passing mist the heaven o'ershroudsM
It breaks it parts it drifts like scattered sparsM
What lies behind it but the nightly starsM
Then did the gazing crowd to him averZ
They sought a lamp in heaven whose light was hidB2
For that in sooth an old AstronomerZ
Down from his roof had rushed into their midB2
Frighted and fain with others to conferZ
That he had cried O sirs and upward bidB2
Them gaze O sirs a light is quenched afarE2
Look up my masters we have lost a starE2
The people pointed and the Poet's eyesM
Flew upward where a gleaming sisterhoodB2
Swam in the dewy heaven The very skiesM
Were mutable for all amazed he stoodB2
To see that truly not in any wiseM
He could behold them as of old nor couldB2
His eyes receive the whole whereof he wotB2
But when he told them over one WAS NOTB2
While yet he gazed and pondered reverentlyJ
The fickle folk began to move awayD2
It is but one star less for us to seeJ
And what does one star signify quoth theyD2
The heavens are full of them But ah said heJ
That star was bright while yet she lasted AyD2
They answered Praise her Poet an' ye willX
Some are now shining that are brighter stillX
Poor star to be disparag d so soonF2
On her withdrawal thus the Poet sighedB2
That men should miss and straight deny her noonF2
Its brightness But the people in their prideB2
Said How are we beholden 'twas no boonF2
She gave Her nature 'twas to shine so wideB2
She could not choose but shine nor could we knowM
Such star had ever dwelt in heaven but soM
The Poet answered sadly That is trueM
And then he thought upon unthankfulnessM
While some went homeward and the residueM
Reflecting that the stars are numberlessM
Mourned that man's daylight hours should be so fewM
So short the shining that his path may blessM
To nearer themes then tuned their willing lipsM
And thought no more upon the star's eclipseM
But he the Poet could not rest contentB2
Till he had found that old AstronomerZ
Therefore at midnight to his house he wentB2
And prayed him be his tale's interpreterZ
And yet upon the heaven his eyes he bentB2
Hearing the marvel yet he sought for herZ
That was a wanting in the hope her faceM
Once more might fill its reft abiding placeM
Then said the old Astronomer My sonG2
I sat alone upon my roof to nightB2
I saw the stars come forth and scarcely shunG2
To fringe the edges of the western lightB2
I marked those ancient clusters one by oneG2
The same that blessed our old forefather's sightB2
For God alone is older none but HeJ
Can charge the stars with mutabilityB2
The elders of the night the steadfast starsM
The old old stars which God has let us seeJ
That they might be our soul's auxiliarsJ
And help us to the truth how young we beJ
God's youngest latest born as if some sparsJ
And a little clay being over of them HeJ
Had made our world and us thereof yet givenG2
To humble us the sight of His great heavenG2
But ah my son to night mine eyes have seenH2
The death of light the end of old renownI2
A shrinking back of glory that had beenJ2
A dread eclipse before the Eternal's frownI2
How soon a little grass will grow betweenH2
These eyes and those appointed to look downI2
Upon a world that was not made on highY
Till the last scenes of their long empiryZ
To night that shining cluster now despoiledB2
Lay in day's wake a perfect sisterhoodB2
Sweet was its light to me that long had toiledB2
It gleamed and trembled o'er the distant woodB2
Blown in a pile the clouds from it recoiledB2
Cool twilight up the sky her way made goodB2
I saw but not believed it was so strangeK2
That one of those same stars had suffered changeK2
The darkness gathered and methought she spreadB2
Wrapped in a reddish haze that waxed and wanedB2
But notwithstanding to myself I saidB2
'The stars are changeless sure some mote hath stainedB2
Mine eyes and her fair glory minish d '-
Of age and failing vision I complainedB2
And I bought 'some vapor in the heavens doth swimL2
That makes her look so large and yet so dim '-
But I gazed round and all her lustrous peersJ
In her red presence showed but wan and whiteB2
For like a living coal beheld through tearsJ
She glowed and quivered with a gloomy lightB2
Methought she trembled as all sick through fearsJ
Helpless appalled appealing to the nightB2
Like one who throws his arms up to the skyY
And bows down suffering hopeless of replyY
At length as if an everlasting HandB2
Had taken hold upon her in her placeJ
And swiftly like a golden grain of sandB2
Through all the deep infinitudes of spaceJ
Was drawing her God's truth as here I standB2
Backward and inward to itself her faceJ
Fast lessened lessened till it looked no moreZ
Than smallest atom on a boundless shoreZ
And she that was so fair I saw her lieY
The smallest thing in God's great firmamentB2
Till night was lit the darkest and on highY
Her sisters glittered though her light was spentB2
I strained to follow her each aching eyeY
So swiftly at her Maker's will she wentB2
I looked again I looked the star was goneM2
And nothing marked in heaven where she had shoneN2
Gone said the Poet and about to beJ
Forgotten O how sad a fate is hersJ
How is it sad my son all reverentlyJ
The old man answered though she ministersJ
No longer with her lamp to me and theeJ
She has fulfilled her mission God transfersJ
Or dims her ray yet was she blest as brightB2
For all her life was spent in giving lightB2
Her mission she fulfilled assuredlyJ
The Poet cried but O unhappy starZ
None praise and few will bear in memoryJ
The name she went by O from far from farZ
Comes down methinks her mournful voice to meJ
Full of regrets that men so thankless areZ
So said he told that old AstronomerZ
All that the gazing crowd had said of herZ
And he went on to speak in bitter wiseJ
As one who seems to tell another's fateB2
But feels that nearer meaning underliesJ
And points its sadness to his own estateB2
If such be the reward he said with sighsJ
Envy to earn for love for goodness hateB2
If such be thy reward hard case is thineS
It had been better for thee not to shineS
If to reflect a light that is divineS
Makes that which doth reflect it better seenH2
And if to see is to contemn the shrineS
'Twere surely better it had never beenJ2
It had been better for her NOT TO SHINES
And for me NOT TO SING Better I weenS
For us to yield no more that radiance brightB2
For them to lack the light than scorn the lightB2
Strange words were those from Poet lips said heJ
And then he paused and sighed and turned to lookO2
Upon the lady's downcast eyes and seeJ
How fast the honey bees in settling shookO2
Those apple blossoms on her from the treeJ
He watched her busy lingers as they tookO2
And slipped the knotted thread and thought how muchP2
He would have given that hand to hold to touchP2
At length as suddenly become awareZ
Of this long pause she lifted up her faceJ
And he withdrew his eyes she looked so fairZ
And cold he thought in her unconscious graceJ
Ah little dreams she of the restless careZ
He thought that makes my heart to throb apaceJ
Though we this morning part the knowledge sendsJ
No thrill to her calm pulse we are but FRIENDSJ
Ah turret clock he thought I would thy handB2
Were hid behind yon towering maple treesJ
Ah tell tale shadow but one moment standB2
Dark shadow fast advancing to my kneesJ
Ah foolish heart he thought that vainly plannedB2
By feigning gladness to arrive at easeJ
Ah painful hour yet pain to think it endsJ
I must remember that we are but friendsJ
And while the knotted thread moved to and froZ
In sweet regretful tones that lady saidB2
It seemeth that the fame you would foregoZ
The Poet whom you tell of covetedB2
But I would fain methinks his story knowZ
And was he loved said she or was he wedB2
And had he friends One friend perhaps said heJ
But for the rest I pray you let it beJ
Ah little bird he thought most patient birdB2
Breasting thy speckled eggs the long day throughZ
By so much as my reason is preferredB2
Above thine instinct I my work would doZ
Better than thou dost thine Thou hast not stirredB2
This hour thy wing Ah russet bird I sueZ
For a like patience to wear through these hoursJ
Bird on thy nest among the apple flowersJ
I will not speak I will not speak to theeJ
My star and soon to be my lost lost starZ
The sweetest first that ever shone on meJ
So high above me and beyond so farZ
I can forego thee but not bear to seeJ
My love like rising mist thy lustre marZ
That were a base return for thy sweet lightB2
Shine though I never more shall see that thou art brightB2
Never 'Tis certain that no hope is noneS
No hope for me and yet for thee no fearZ
The hardest part of my hard task is doneS
Thy calm assures me that I am not dearZ
Though far and fast the rapid moments runS
Thy bosom heaveth not thine eyes are clearZ
Silent perhaps a little sad at heartB2
She is I am her friend and I departB2
Silent she had been but she raised her faceJ
And will you end said she this half told taleX
Yes it were best he answered her The placeJ
Where I left off was where he felt to failX
His courage Madam through the fancy baseJ
That they who love endure or work may railX
And cease if all their love the works they wroughtB2
And their endurance men have set at noughtB2
It had been better for me NOT to singO
My Poet said and for her NOT to shineS
But him the old man answered sorrowingO
My son did God who made her the DivineS
Lighter of suns when down to yon bright ringO
He cast her like some gleaming almandineS
And set her in her place begirt with raysJ
Say unto her 'Give light ' or say 'Earn praise '-
The Poet said He made her to give lightB2
My son the old man answered Blest are suchP2
A blessed lot is theirs but if each nightB2
Mankind had praised her radiance inasmuchQ2
As praise had never made it wax more brightB2
And cannot now rekindle with its touchP2
Her lost effulgence it is nought I wotB2
That praise was not her blessing nor her lotB2
Ay said the Poet I my words abjureZ
And I repent me that I uttered themW
But by her light and by its forfeitureZ
She shall not pass without her requiemC
Though my name perish yet shall hers endureZ
Though I should be forgotten she lost gemW
Shall be remembered though she sought not fameA
It shall be busy with her beauteous nameA
For I will raise in her bright memoryZ
Lost now on earth a lasting monumentB2
And graven on it shall recorded beZ
That all her rays to light mankind were spentB2
And I will sing albeit none heedeth meZ
On her exemplar being still intentB2
While in men's sight shall stand the record thusJ
'So long as she did last she lighted us '-
So said he raised according to his vowK
On the green grass where oft his townsfolk metB2
Under the shadow of a leafy boughK
That leaned toward a singing rivuletB2
One pure white stone whereon like crown on browK
The image of the vanished star was setB2
And this was graven on the pure white stoneS
Madam I cannot give this story wellX
My heart is beating to another chimeR2
My voice must needs a different cadence swellX
It is yon singing bird which all the timeR2
Wooeth his nested mate that doth dispelX
My thoughts What deem you could a lover's rhymeR2
The sweetness of that passionate lay excelX
O soft O low her voice I cannot tellX
He thinksJ
The old man ay he spoke he was not hardB2
She was his joy he said his comforterZ
But he would trust me I was not debarredB2
Whate'er my heart approved to say to herZ
Approved O torn and tempted and ill starredB2
And breaking heart approve not nor demurZ
It is the serpent that beguileth theeZ
With God doth know beneath this apple treeZ
Yea God DOTH know and only God doth knowS
Have pity God my spirit groans to TheeZ
I bear Thy curse primeval and I goS
But heavier than on Adam falls on meZ
My tillage of the wilderness for loS
I leave behind the woman and I seeZ
As 'twere the gates of Eden closing o'erZ
To hide her from my sight for evermoreZ
He speaksJ
I am a fool with sudden start he criedB2
To let the song bird work me such unrestB2
If I break off again I pray you chideB2
For morning neeteth with my tale at bestB2
Half told That white stone Madam gleamed besideB2
The little rivulet and all men pressedB2
To read the lost one's story traced thereonS
The golden legend While she lived she shoneS
And Madam when the Poet heard them readB2
And children spell the letters softly throughZ
It may be that he felt at heart some needB2
Some craving to be thus remembered tooZ
It may be that he wondered if indeedB2
He must die wholly when he passed from viewZ
It may be wished when death his eyes made dimL2
That some kind hand would raise such stone for himL2
But shortly as there comes to most of usJ
There came to him the need to quit his homeS2
To tell you why were simply hazardousJ
What said I Madam men were made to roamS2
My meaning is It hath been always thusJ
They are athirst for mountains and sea foamS2
Heirs of this world what wonder if perchanceJ
They long to see their grand inheritanceJ
He left his city and went forth to teachT2
Mankind his peers the hidden harmonyZ
That underlies God's discords and to reachT2
And touch the master string that like a sighY
Thrills in their souls as if it would beseechT2
Some hand to sound it and to satisfyY
Its yearning for expression but no wordB2
Till poet touch it hath to make its music heardB2
He thinksJ
I know that God is good though evil dwellsJ
Among us and doth all things holiest shareZ
That there is joy in heaven while yet our knellsJ
Sound for the souls which He has summoned thereZ
That painful love unsatisfied hath spellsJ
Earned by its smart to soothe its fellows careZ
But yet this atom cannot in the wholeX
Forget itself it aches a separate soulX
He speaksJ
But Madam to my Poet I returnS
With his sweet cadences of woven wordsJ
He made their rude untutored hearts to burnS
And melt like gold refined No brooding birdsJ
Sing better of the love that doth sojournS
Hid in the nest of home which softly girdsJ
The beating heart of life and strait though it beZ
Is straitness better than wide libertyZ
He taught them and they learned but not the lessJ
Remained unconscious whence that lore they drewZ
But dreamed that of their native noblenessJ
Some lofty thoughts that he had planted grewZ
His glorious maxims in a lowly dressJ
Like seed sown broadcast sprung in all men's viewZ
The sower passing onward was not knownS
And all men reaped the harvest as their ownS
It may be Madam that those ballads sweetB2
Whose rhythmic words we sang but yesterdayB2
Which time and changes make not obsoleteB2
But as a river blossoms bears awayB2
That on it drop take with them while they fleetB2
It may be his they are from him bear swayB2
But who can tell since work surviveth fameA
The rhyme is left but lost the Poet's nameA
He worked and bravely he fulfilled his trustB2
So long he wandered sowing worthy seedB2
Watering of wayside buds that were adustB2
And touching for the common ear his reedB2
So long to wear away the cankering rustB2
That dulls the gold of life so long to pleadB2
With sweetest music for all souls oppressedB2
That he was old ere he had thought of restB2
Old and gray headed leaning on a staffU2
To that great city of his birth he cameA
And at its gates he paused with wondering laughU2
To think how changed were all his thoughts of fameA
Since first he carved the golden epitaphU2
To keep in memory a worthy nameA
And thought forgetfulness had been its doomV2
But for a few bright letters on a tombV2
The old Astronomer had long since diedB2
The friends of youth were gone and far dispersedB2
Strange were the domes that rose on every sideB2
Strange fountains on his wondering vision burstB2
The men of yesterday their business pliedB2
No face was left that he had known at firstB2
And in the city gardens lo he seesJ
The saplings that he set are stately treesJ
Upon the grass beneath their welcome shadeB2
Behold he marks the fair white monumentB2
And on its face the golden words displayedB2
For sixty years their lustre have not spentB2
He sitteth by it and is not afraidB2
But in its shadow he is well contentB2
And envies not though bright their gleamings areZ
The golden letters of the vanished starZ
He gazeth up exceeding bright appearsJ
That golden legend to his aged eyesJ
For they are dazzled till they fill with tearsJ
And his lost Youth doth like a vision riseJ
She saith to him In all these toilsome yearsJ
What hast thou won by work or enterpriseJ
What hast thou won to make amends to theeZ
As thou didst swear to do for loss of meZ
O man O white haired man the vision saidB2
Since we two sat beside this monumentB2
Life's clearest hues are all evanish dZ
The golden wealth thou hadst of me is spentB2
The wind hath swept thy flowers their leaves are shedB2
The music is played out that with thee wentB2
Peace peace he cried I lost thee but in truthI
There are worse losses than the loss of youthI
He said not what those losses were but IY
But I must leave them for the time draws nearZ
Some lose not ONLY joy but memoryZ
Of how it felt not love that was so dearZ
Lose only but the steadfast certaintyZ
That once they had it doubt comes on then fearZ
And after that despondency I wisJ
The Poet must have meant such loss as thisJ
But while he sat and pondered on his youthI
He said It did one deed that doth remainS
For it preserved the memory and the truthI
Of her that now doth neither set nor waneS
But shine in all men's thought nor sink forsoothI
And be forgotten like the summer rainS
O it is good that man should not forgetB2
Or benefits foregone or brightness setB2
He spoke and said My lot contented meZ
I am right glad for this her worthy fameA
That which was good and great I fain would seeZ
Drawn with a halo round what rests its nameA
This while the Poet said behold there cameA
A workman with his tools anear the treeZ
And when he read the words he paused awhileX
And pondered on them with a wondering smileX
And then he said I pray you Sir what meanS
The golden letters of this monumentB2
In wonder quoth the Poet Hast thou beenS
A dweller near at hand and their intentB2
Hast neither heard by voice of fame nor seenS
The marble earlier Ay said he and leantB2
Upon his spade to hear the tale then sighY
And say it was a marvel and pass byY
Then said the Poet This is strange to meZ
But as he mused with trouble in his mindB2
A band of maids approached him leisurelyZ
Like vessels sailing with a favoring windB2
And of their rosy lips requested heZ
As one that for a doubt would solving findB2
The tale if tale there were of that white stoneS
And those fair letters While she lived she shoneS
Then like a fleet that floats becalmed they stayB2
O Sir saith one this monument is oldB2
But we have heard our virtuous mothers sayB2
That by their mothers thus the tale was toldB2
A Poet made it journeying then awayB2
He left us and though some the meaning holdB2
For other than the ancient one yet weZ
Receive this legend for a certaintyZ
There was a lily once most purely whiteB2
Beneath the shadow of these boughs it grewZ
Its starry blossom it unclosed by nightB2
And a young Poet loved its shape and hueZ
He watched it nightly 'twas so fair a sightB2
Until a stormy wind arose and blewZ
And when he came once more his flower to greetB2
Its fallen petals drifted to his feetB2
And for his beautiful white lily's sakeO
That she might be remembered where her scentB2
Had been right sweet he said that he would makeO
In her dear memory a monumentB2
For she was purer than a driven flakeO
Of snow and in her grace most excellentB2
The loveliest life that death did ever marZ
As beautiful to gaze on as a starZ
I thank you maid the Poet answered herZ
And I am glad that I have heard your taleX
With that they passed and as an inlanderZ
Having heard breakers raging in a galeX
And falling down in thunder will averZ
That still when far away in grassy valeX
He seems to hear those seething waters boundB2
So in his ears the maiden's voice did soundB2
He leaned his face upon his hand and thoughtB2
And thought until a youth came by that wayB2
And once again of him the Poet soughtB2
The story of the star But well a dayB2
He said The meaning with much doubt is fraughtB2
The sense thereof can no man surely sayB2
For still tradition sways the common earZ
That of a truth a star DID DISAPPEARZ
But they who look beneath the outer shellX
That wraps the 'kernel of the people's lore '-
Hold THAT for superstition and they tellX
That seven lovely sisters dwelt of yoreZ
In this old city where it so befellX
That one a Poet loved that furthermoreZ
As stars above us she was pure and goodB2
And fairest of that beauteous sisterhoodB2
So beautiful they were those virgins sevenS
That all men called them clustered stars in songO
Forgetful that the stars abide in heavenS
But woman bideth not beneath it longO
For O alas alas one fated evenS
When stars their azure deeps began to throngO
That virgin's eyes of Poet loved waxed dimL2
And all their lustrous shining waned to himL2
In summer dusk she drooped her head and sighedB2
Until what time the evening star went downS
And all the other stars did shining bideB2
Clear in the lustre of their old renownS
And then the virgin laid her down and diedB2
Forgot her youth forgot her beauty's crownS
Forgot the sisters whom she loved beforeZ
And broke her Poet's heart for evermoreZ
A mournful tale in sooth the lady saithI
But did he truly grieve for evermoreZ
It may be you forget he answerethI
That this is but a fable at the coreZ
O' the other fable Though it be but breathI
She asketh was it true then he This loreZ
Since it is fable either way may goS
Then if it please you think it might be soS
Nay but she saith if I had told your taleX
The virgin should have lived his home to blessJ
Or must she die I would have made to failX
His useless love I tell you not the lessJ
He sighs because it was of no availX
His heart the Poet would not dispossessJ
Thereof But let us leave the fable nowK
My Poet heard it with an aching browK
And he made answer thus I thank thee youthI
Strange is thy story to these aged earsJ
But I bethink me thou hast told a truthI
Under the guise of fable If my tearsJ
Thou lost belov d star lost now forsoothI
Indeed could bring thee back among thy peersJ
So new thou should'st be deemed as newly seenS
For men forget that thou hast ever beenS
There was a morning when I longed for fameA
There was a noontide when I passed it byY
There is an evening when I think not shameA
Its substance and its being to denyY
For if men bear in mind great deeds the nameA
Of him that wrought them shall they leave to dieY
Or if his name they shall have deathless writB2
They change the deeds that first ennobled itB2
O golden letters of this monumentB2
O words to celebrate a loved renownS
Lost now or wrested and to fancies lentB2
Or on a fabled forehead set for crownS
For my departed star I am contentB2
Though legends dim and years her memory drownS
For nought were fame to her compared and setB2
By this great truth which ye make lustrous yetB2
Adieu the Poet said my vanished starZ
Thy duty and thy happiness were oneS
Work is heaven's best its fame is sublunarZ
The fame thou dost not need the work is doneS
For thee I am content that these things areZ
More than content were I my race being runS
Might it be true of me though none thereonS
Should muse regretful 'While he lived he shone '-
So said the Poet rose and went his wayB2
And that same lot he proved whereof he spakeO
Madam my story is told out the dayB2
Draws out her shadows time doth overtakeO
The morning That which endeth call a layB2
Sung after pause a motto in the breakO
Between two chapters of a tale not newZ
Nor joyful but a common tale AdieuZ
And that same God who made your face so fairZ
And gave your woman's heart its tendernessJ
So shield the blessing He implanted thereZ
That it may never turn to your distressJ
And never cost you trouble or despairZ
Nor granted leave the granter comfortlessJ
But like a river blest where'er it flowsJ
Be still receiving while it still bestowsJ
Adieu he said and paused while she sat muteB2
In the soft shadow of the apple treeZ
The skylark's song rang like a joyous fluteB2
The brook went prattling past her restlesslyZ
She let their tongues be her tongue's substituteB2
It was the wind that sighed it was not sheZ
And what the lark the brook the wind had saidB2
We cannot tell for none interpretedB2
Their counsels might be hard to reconcileX
They might not suit the moment or the spotB2
She rose and laid her work aside the whileX
Down in the sunshine of that grassy plotB2
She looked upon him with an almost smileX
And held to him a hand that faltered notB2
One moment bird and brook went warbling onS
And the wind sighed again and he was goneS
So quietly as if she heard no moreZ
Or skylark in the azure overheadB2
Or water slipping past the cressy shoreZ
Or wind that rose in sighs and sighing fledB2
So quietly until the alders hoarZ
Took him beneath them till the downward spreadB2
Of planes engulfed him in their leafy seasJ
She stood beneath her rose flushed apple treesJ
And then she stooped toward the mossy grassJ
And gathered up her work and went her wayB2
Straight to that ancient turret she did passJ
And startle back some fawns that were at playB2
She did not sigh she never said AlasJ
Although he was her friend but still that dayB2
Where elm and hornbeam spread a towering domeS2
She crossed the dells to her ancestral homeS2
And did she love him what if she did notB2
Then home was still the home of happiest yearsJ
Nor thought was exiled to partake his lotB2
Nor heart lost courage through forboding fearsJ
Nor echo did against her secret plotB2
Nor music her betray to painful tearsJ
Nor life become a dream and sunshine dimL2
And riches poverty because of himL2
But did she love him what and if she didB2
Love cannot cool the burning Austral sandB2
Nor show the secret waters that lie hidB2
In arid valleys of that desert landB2
Love has no spells can scorching winds forbidB2
Or bring the help which tarries near to handB2
Or spread a cloud for curtaining faded eyesJ
That gaze up dying into alien skiesJ

Jean Ingelow


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