Speranza Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


Her younger sister that Speranza hightA
England puts on her purple and pale paleB
With too much light the primrose doth but waitC
To meet the hyacinth then bower and daleB
Shall lose her and each fairy woodland mateC
April forgets them for their utmost sumD
Of gift was silent and the birds are comeD
The world is stirring many voices blendE
The English are at work in field and wayF
All the good finches on their wives attendE
And emmets their new towns lay out in clayF
Only the cuckoo bird only doth sayF
Her beautiful name and float at large all dayF
Everywhere ring sweet clamours chirruppingG
Chirping that comes before the grasshopperH
The wide woods flurried with the pulse of springG
Shake out their wrinkled buds with tremor and stirH
Small noises little cries the ear receivesI
Light as a rustling foot on last year's leavesI
All in deep dew the satisfied deep grassJ
Looking straight upward stars itself with whiteA
Like ships in heaven full sailed do long clouds passJ
Slowly o'er this great peace and wide sweet lightA
While through moist meads draws down yon rushy mereK
Influent waters sobbing shining clearK
Almost is rapture poignant somewhat ailsL
The heart and mocks the morning somewhat sighsM
And those sweet foreigners the nightingalesM
Made restless with their love pay down its priceM
Even the pain then all the story unfoldN
Over and over again yet 't is not toldN
The mystery of the world whose name is lifeO
One of the names of God all conquering wendsM
And works for aye with rest and cold at strifeO
Its pedigree goes up to Him and endsM
For it the lucent heavens are clear o'erheadN
And all the meads are made its natal bedN
Dear is the light and eye sight ever sweetN
What see they all fair lower things that nurseM
No wonder and no doubt Truly their meatN
Their kind their field their foes man's eyes are moreP
Sight is man's having of the universeM
His pass to the majestical far shoreP
But it is not enough ah not enoughQ
To look upon it and be held awayF
And to be sure that while we tread the roughQ
Remote dull paths of this dull world no rayF
Shall pierce to us from the inner soul of thingsM
Nor voice thrill out from its deep master stringsM
'To show the skies and tether to the sodN
A daunting gift ' we mourn in our long strifeO
And God is more than all our thought of GodN
E'en life itself more than our thought of lifeO
And that is all we know and it is noonR
Our little day will soon be done how soonR
O let us to ourselves be dutifulS
We are not satisfied we have wanted allT
Not alone beauty but that BeautifulS
A lifted veil an answering mysticalS
Ever men plead and plain admire imploreP
'Why gavest Thou so much and yet not moreP
We are but let to look and Hope is weighed '-
Yet say the Indian words of sweet renownU
'The doom d tree withholdeth not her shadeN
From him that bears the axe to cut her down '-
Is hope cut down dead doomed all is vainV
The third day dawns she too has risen againW
For Faith is ours by gift but Hope by rightN
And walks among us whispering as of yoreP
'Glory and grace are thrown thee with the lightN
Search if not yet thou touch the mystic shoreP
Immanent beauty and good are nigh at handN
For infants laugh and snowdrops bloom in the landN
Thou shalt have more anon ' What more in soothX
The mother of to morrow is to dayF
And brings forth after her kind There is no ruthX
On the heart's sigh that 'more' is hidden awayF
And man's to morrow yet shall pine and yearnY
He shall surmise and he shall not discernY
But list the lark and want the rapturous criesM
And passioning of morning stars that singG
Together mark the meadow orchis riseM
And think it freckled after an angel's wingG
Absent desire his land and feel this oneZ
With the great drawing of the central sunZ
But not to all such dower for there be eyesM
Are colour blind and souls are spirit blindN
Those never saw the blush in sunset skiesM
Nor the others caught a sense not made of wordsM
As if were spirits about that sailed the windN
And sank and settled on the boughs like birdsM
Yet such for aye divided from us areA2
As other galaxies that seem no moreP
Than a little golden millet seed afarA2
Divided swarming down some flat lee shoreP
Then risen while all the air that takes no wordN
Tingles and trembles as with cries not heardN
For they can come no nearer There is foundN
No meeting point We have pierced the lodging placeM
Of stars that cluster'd with their peers lie boundN
Embedded thick sunk in the seas of spaceM
Fortunate orbs that know not night for allT
Are suns but we have never heard that callT
Nor learned it in our world our citadelB2
With outworks of a Power about it tracedN
Nor why we needs must sin who would do wellB2
Nor why the want of love nor why its wasteN
Nor how by dying of One should all be spedN
Nor where O Lord thou hast laid up our deadN
But Hope is ours by right and Faith by giftN
Though Time be as a moon upon the waneV
Who walk with Faith far up the azure liftN
Oft hear her talk of lights to wax againW
'If man be lost ' she cries 'in this vast seaM
Of being lost he would be lost with TheeM
Who for his sake once as he hears lost allT
For Thou wilt find him at the end of the daysM
Then shall the flocking souls that thicker fallT
Than snowflakes on the everlasting waysM
Be counted gathered claimed Will it be longG
Earth has begun already her swan songG
Who even that might would dwell for ever pentN
In this fair frame that doth the spirit inhearseM
Nor at the last grow weary and contentN
Die and break forth into the universeM
And yet man would not all things all were new '-
Then saith the other that one robed in blueC2
'What if with subtle change God touch their eyesM
When he awakes them not far off but hereD2
In a new earth this not in any wiseM
Strange but more homely sweet more heavenly dearK
Or if He roll away as clouds disperseM
Somewhat and lo that other universeM
O how 't were sweet new waked in some good hourH
Long time to sit on a hillside green and highE2
There like a honeybee domed in a flowerH
To feed unneath the azure bell o' the skyE2
Feed in the midmost home and fount of lightN
Sown thick with stars at noonday as by nightN
To watch the flying faultless ones wheel downU
Alight and run along some ridged peakG
Their feet adust from orbs of old renownU
Procyon or Mazzaroth haply when they speakG
Other world errands wondrous all discernY
That would be strange there would be much to learnY
Ay and it would be sweet to share unblamedN
Love's shining truths that tell themselves in tearsM
Or to confess and be no more ashamedN
The wrongs that none can right through earthly yearsM
And seldom laugh because the tendernessM
Calm perfect would be more than joy would blessM
I tell you it were sweet to have enoughQ
And be enough Among the souls forgivenZ
In presence of all worlds without rebuffQ
To move and feel the excellent safety leavenZ
With peace that awe must loss and the grave surviveF2
But palpitating moons that are aliveF2
Nor shining fogs swept up together afarA2
Vast as a thought of God in the firmamentN
No and to dart as light from star to starA2
Would not long time man's yearning soul contentN
Albeit were no more ships and no more seaM
He would desire his new earth presentlyM
Leisure to learn it Peoples would be hereD2
They would come on in troops and take at willG2
The forms the faces they did use to wearH2
With life's first splendours raiment rich with skillG2
Of broidery carved adornments crowns of goldN
Still would be sweet to them the life of oldN
Then might be gatherings under golden shadeN
Where dust of water drifts from some sheer fallT
Cooling day's ardour There be utterance madeN
Of comforted love dear freedom after thrallT
Large longings of the Seer through earthly yearsM
An everlasting burden but no tearsM
Egypt's adopted child might tell of loreP
They taught him underground in shrines all dimI2
And of the live tame reptile gods that woreP
Gold anklets on their feet And after himI2
With fairest eyes ere met of mortal kenW
Glorious forgiven might speak the mother of menW
Talk of her apples gather'd by the margeJ2
Of lapsing Gihon 'Thus one spoke I stoodN
I ate ' Or next the mariner saint enlargeJ2
Right quaintly on his ark of gopher woodN
To wandering men through high grass meads that ranK2
Or sailed the sea MediterraneanZ
It might be common earth afforestedN
Newly to follow her great ones to the sunZ
When from transcendent aisles of gloom they spedN
Some work august there would be work now doneZ
And list and their high matters strive to scanK2
The seekers after God and lovers of manK2
Sitting together in amity on a hillG2
The Saint of Visions from Greek Patmos comeD
Aurelius lordly calm eyed as of willG2
Austere yet having rue on lost lost RomeL2
And with them One who drank a fateful bowlM2
And to the unknown God trusted his soulM2
The mitred Cranmer pitied even thereH2
But could it be for that false hand which signedN
O all pathetic no But it might bearH2
To soothe him marks of fire and gladsome kindN
The man as all of joy him well beseemedN
Who 'lighted on a certain place and dreamed '-
And fair with the meaning of life their divine browsM
The daughters of well doing famed in songG
But what could old world love for child for spouseM
For land content through lapsing eons longG
Oh for a watchword strong to bridge the deepN2
And satisfy of fulness after sleepN2
What know we Whispers fall 'And the last firstN
And the first last ' The child before the kingG
The slave before that man a master erstN
The woman before her lord Shall glory flingG
The rolls aside time raze out triumphs pastN
They sigh 'And the last first and the first last '-
Answers that other 'Lady sister friendN
It is enough for I have worshipped LifeO
With Him that is the Life man's life shall blendN
E'en now the sacred heavens do help his strifeO
There do they knead his bread and mix his cupO2
And all the stars have leave to bear him upO2
Yet must he sink and fall away to a sleepN2
As did his Lord This Life his worshippedN
Religion Life The silence may be deepN2
Life listening watching waiting by His deadN
Till at the end of days they wake full fainV
Because their King the Life doth love and reignV
I know the King shall come to that new earthX
And His feet stand again as once they stoodN
In His man's eyes will shine Time's end and worthX
The chiefest beauty and the chiefest goodN
And all shall have the all and in it bideN
And every soul of man be satisfiedN

Jean Ingelow


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