Herbert Asquith Away Poems

  • 1.
    FAREWELL, the village leaning to the hill,
    And all the cawing rooks that homeward fly ;
    The bees; the drowsy anthem of the mill
    The willows winding under April sky !
  • 2.
    The sea has a laugh
    And the cliff a frown;
    For the laugh of the sea is wearing him down.

  • 3.
    IN domes of dim and ancient gold,
    In cloisters, where the lightning plays,
    Where gleam the gorgeous saints of old
    In aisles of jade and chrysoprase,
  • 4.
    Here lies a clerk who half his life had spent
    Toiling at ledgers in a city grey,
    Thinking that so his days would drift away
    With no lance broken in lifeĆ¢??s tournament:
  • 5.
    UNDER the stars the armies lie asleep:
    Between the lines a quiet river flows
    Through brakes of honeysuckle, and of rose,
    And fields where poppies droop in languor deep:
  • 6.
    In this red havoc of the patient earth,
    Though higher yet the tide of battle rise,
    Now has the hero cast away disguise,
    And out of ruin splendour comes to birth.
Total 6 Away Poems by Herbert Asquith

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Sea 7 Silver 7 World 7 Save 6 High 6 Death 6 Sun 6 Away 6 Music 5 Love 5

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