The Ruling Thought Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


Most sweet most powerfulA
Controller of my inmost soulB
The terrible yet precious giftC
Of heaven companion kindD
Of all my days of miseryE
O thought that ever dost recur to meE
Of thy mysterious powerF
Who speaketh not Who hath not feltG
Its subtle influenceH
Yet when one is by feeling deep impelledI
Its secret joys and sorrows to unfoldJ
The theme seems ever new however oldJ
How isolated is my mindD
Since thou in it hast come to dwellK
As by some magic spellK
My other thoughts have allL
Like lightning disappearedM
And thou alone like some huge towerF
In a deserted plainN
Gigantic solitary dost remainN
How worthless quiteO
Save but for thee have in my sightO
All earthly things and life itself becomeP
How wearisome its daysQ
And all its works and all its playsQ
A vain pursuit of pleasures vainN
Compared with the felicityE
The heavenly joy that springs from theeE
As from the naked rocksR
Of the rough ApennineS
The weary pilgrim turns his longing eyesT
To the bright plain that in the distance liesT
So from the rough and barren intercourseU
Of worldly men to thee I gladly turnV
As to a Paradise my weary mindD
And sweet refreshment for my senses findD
It seems to me incredible that IW
This dreary world this wretched lifeX
So full of folly and of strifeX
Without thy aid could have so long enduredY
Nor can I well conceiveZ
How one's desires could clingA2
To other joys than those which thou dost bringA2
Never since first I knewB2
By hard experience what life isC2
Could fear of death my soul subdueB2
To day a jest to me appearsD2
That which the silly worldE2
Praising at times yet ever hates and fearsD2
The last extremityE
If danger comes I with undaunted mienS
Its threats encounter with a smile sereneS
I always hated coward soulsF2
And meanness held in scornG2
Now each unworthy actH2
At once through all my senses thrillsI2
Each instance vile of human worthlessnessI2
My soul with holy anger fillsI2
This arrogant this foolish ageJ2
Which feeds itself on empty hopesI2
Absorbed in trifles virtue's enemyE
Which idly clamors for utilityE
And has not sense enough to seeE
How useless all life thenceforth must becomeP
I feel beneath me and its judgments laughK2
To scorn The motley crewB2
The foes of every lofty thoughtL2
Who laugh at thee I trample under footM2
To that which thee inspiresI2
What passion yieldeth notN2
What other save this oneO2
Controls our hearts' desiresI2
Ambition avarice disdain and hateP2
The love of power love of fameQ2
What are they but an empty nameQ2
Compared with it And thisI2
The source the spring of allL
That sovereign reigns within the breastR2
Eternal laws have on our hearts impressedR2
Life hath no value meaning hathS2
Save but for thee our only hope and stayT2
The sole excuse for FateP2
That cruelly hath placed us hereU2
To undergo such useless miseryE
For thee alone the wise man not the foolV2
To life still fondly clingsI2
Nor calls on death to end his sufferingsI2
Thy joys to gather thou sweet thoughtL2
Long years of sorrow I endureW2
And bear of weary life the strainN
But not in vainN
And I would still returnV
In spite of all my sad experienceI2
Towards such a goal my course to recommenceI2
For through the sands and through the viper broodX2
Of this our mortal wildernessI2
My steps I ne'er so wearily have draggedY2
To thee that all the danger and distressI2
Were not repaid by such pure happinessI2
O what a world what new immensityY2
What paradise is thatY2
To which so oft by thy stupendous charmZ2
Impelled I seem to soar Where IW
Beneath a brighter light am wanderingA2
And my poor earthly stateY2
And all life's bitter truths forgetY2
Such are I ween the dreamsI2
Of the Immortals Ah what but a dreamA3
Art thou sweet thoughtY2
The truth that thus embellishedY2
A dream an error manifestY2
But of a nature still divineB3
An error brave and strongC3
That will with truth the fight prolongC3
And oft for truth doth compensateY2
Nor leave us e'er till summoned hence by FateY2
And surely thou my thoughtY2
Thou sole sustainer of my daysI2
The cause beloved of sorrows infiniteY2
In Death alone wilt be extinguished quiteY2
For by sure signs within my soul I feelD3
Thy sovereign sway perpetualA
All other fancies sweetY2
The aspect of the truthE3
Hath weakened ever But whene'er I turnV
To gaze again on her of whom with theeE
To speak is all I live for ahF3
That great delight increases stillG3
That frenzy fine the breath of life to meE
Angelic beauty Every lovely faceI2
On which I gazeI2
A phantom seems to meE
That vainly strives to copy theeE
Of all the graces that our souls inthralG3
Sole fount divine originalG3
Since first I thee beheldY2
Of what most anxious care of mineB3
Hast thou not been the end and aimQ2
What day has ever passed what hourF
When I thought not of thee What dream of mineB3
Has not been haunted by thy face divineB3
Angelic countenance that weE
In dreams alas alone may seeE
What else on earth what in the universeI2
Do I e'er ask or hope for moreH3
Than those dear eyes forever to beholdY2
Than thy sweet thought still in my heart to holdY2

Giacomo Leopardi


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