Lead me to your soul, and cleave as Siemens in your heart sublime
Deep me in the endless flattered bliss of your kindness home,
Of colourful blossom
let me be all there's in the world

i was as withered leaf or broken calabash tossed upon a turbulent black sea
Shall you lead me to your soul, I shall be as morning rose in the dew spring.

kiss away my fears, hug away my silent cold,
Upon the unquenched flare of your heart to warm.
Caress me like the gentle wind upon the shore at eventide the calabash sail anew.
Deflower me, I'll be heavens rosy all for you!

Lay me upon your warmest bosom, shall my shattered being mend and my soul as elated dove sing.

In your arms to ferry through unturmiol wind
Sail me through to old age, I'm unruffled in the turbulence of seas whence I'm paddled on your boat of love.

And disremember my past of ridden folly!

Walk me through the path where neither footsteps have thread- to the isle we shall an endless passion sublime.

Lead me to your soul,
to find all my days with you
Shall our soul unsevered cleave,
Till eternity i'm all for you.