Something is burning inside me
Screaming, urging to break free.
This thing – dormant for so long
is really burning strong.

Conflicted about who I am inside
I’m afraid this thing in me will die.
Only, the thought makes me cry
as two worlds inevitably collide.

The one may never know the other
– being a wife a mother
This thing could ruin everything
lest I lose a part of something.

This thing has always been there.
I know it isn’t fair
but having this burning thing in me
I don’t know if I will ever be free.

Free to be me inside
Not hiding behind pride
I don’t want this thing to replace
everything I hold dear in my special place.

I’m conflicted: Must this thing not be evicted?

Stashed away behind a carefully guarded door
I kept you locked up for a reason.