He once stood briefly
‘tween pillar and post,
and there for a moment
he felt he could boast,
a foot in each camp
with his head in a cloud,
His past well behind him
bright future avowed.

Time waits for no man,
ain’t that what they say,
To turn back the clock
there is surely no way.
But still there it sits
and smiles back at him.
He searches for peace
but the pickings are slim.

The person he is
and the one he once was
They are not the same
and that is because
Once he left his home
a new world he found
The once mindless drone
glimpsed potential unbound

But whether it’s nature
or nurture you choose
Still there are some spots
that the leopard can’t lose
Though him of this notion
you can’t disabuse
And some of his friends
this fact can bemuse

And once it’s all said
and once it’s all done
His move from the jungle
it can’t be undone
But looking around
at the bars in the zoo
This new home don’t suit him
not welcome here too.