So much weight on me
I can’t breathe
Squashed under your knee
I can’t breathe
Arms twisted behind
I can’t breathe
Hauled all over the ground
I can’t breathe
Trampled on like dust
I can’t breathe
Hands on my mouth
I can’t breathe
That hate in your eyes
I can’t breathe
Shadows in your lies
I can’t breathe
Gun shots on the street
I can’t breathe
Evils done in the broad light
I can’t breathe
Death here and there
I can’t breathe
War talks everywhere
I can’t breathe
Stay home you say
I can’t breathe
Don’t bother to pray
I can’t breathe
Eyes on my heel
I can’t breathe
Way down my trail
I can’t breathe
Dreams die and disappear
I can’t breathe
Hope fades to fear
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe!