Robin Hood And The Potter Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


In schomer when the leves spryngA
The bloschems on every boweB
So merey doyt the berdys syngA
Yn wodys merey nowC
Herkens god yemenD
Comley corteysse and godE
On of the best that yever bar bouF
Hes name was Roben HodeE
Roben Hood was the yemans nameG
That was boyt corteys and freH
For the loffe of owr ladeyE
All wemen werschep heI
Bot as the god yemen stod on a dayE
Among hes mery maneyI
He was war of a prowd potterH
Cam dryfyng owyr the leyE
Yonder comet a prod potter seyde RobenI
That long hayt hantyd this weyE
He was never so corteys a manI
On peney of pawage to payE
Y met hem bot at Wentbreg seyde Lytyll JohnI
And therfor yeffell mot he theJ
Seche thre strokes he me gafeK
Yet they cleffe by my seydysL
Y ley forty shillings seyde Lytyll JohnI
To pay het thes same dayE
Ther ys nat a man arnong hus allM
A wed schall make hem leyE
Her ys forty shillings seyde RobenI
Mor and thow dar sayE
That y schall make that prowde potterH
A wed to me schall he leyE
Ther thes money they leydeE
They toke bot a yeman to kepeE
Roben befor the potter he breydeE
And bad hem stond stellN
Handys apon hes horse he leydeE
And bad the potter stonde foll stellN
The potter schorteley to hem seydeE
Felow what ys they wellN
All thes thre yer and mor potter he seydeE
Thow hast hantyd thes weyE
Yet wer tow never so cortys a manI
One peney of pauage to payE
What ys they name seyde the potterH
For pauage thow ask of meI
Roben Hod ys mey nameG
A wed schall thow leffe meI
Well well y non leffe seyde the potterH
Nor pavag well y non payE
Away they honde fro mey horseL
Y well the tene eyls be me fayE
The potter to hes cart he wentE
He was not to sekeA
A god to hande staffe therowt he hentE
Befor Roben he lepeE
Roben howt with a swerd bentE
A bokeler en hes honde thertoE
The potter to Roben he wentE
And seyde Felow let mey horse goA
Togeder then went thes two yemenI
Het was a god seyt to seL
Therof low Robyn hes menI
Ther they stod onder a treE
Leytell John to hes felowhes seydeE
Yend potter welle steffeley stondeE
The potter with an acward strokeA
Smot the bokeler owt of hes hondeE
And ar Roben meyt get hem agenI
Hes bokeler at hes fetteE
The potter yn the neke hem tokeA
To the gronde sone he yedeE
That saw Roben hes menI
As they stode ender a bowF
Let us helpe owr master seyed Lytell JohnI
Yonder potter els well hem scloN
Thes yemen went with a breydeE
To ther master they camO
Leytell John to hes master seydeE
He haet the wager wonI
Schall y haff yowr forty shillings seyde Lytel JohnI
Or ye master schall haffe myneI
Yeff they wer a hundred seyde RobenI
Y feythe they ben all theyneI
Het ys fol leytell cortesey seyde the potterH
As y haffe harde weyse men sayeE
Yeff a por yeman com drywyng ower the weyE
To let hem of hes gorneyI
Be mey trowet thow seys soyt seyde RobenI
Thow seys god yemenreyH
And thow dreyffe forthe yevery dayE
Thow schalt never be let for meI
Y well prey the god potterH
A felischepe well thow haffeE
Geffe me they clothyng and thow schalt hafe myneI
Y well go to NotynggamI
Y grant therto seyde the potterH
Thow schalt feynde me a felow godeE
But thow can sell mey pottes wellN
Come ayen as thow yodeE
Nay be mey trowt seyde RobenI
And then y bescro mey hedeE
Yeffe y bryng eney pottes ayenI
And eney weyffe well hem chepeE
Than spake Leytell JohnI
And all hes felowhes heyndE
Master be well war of the screffe of NotynggamI
For he ys leytell howr frendeE
Heyt war howte seyde RobenI
Felowhes let me aloneI
Thorow the helpe of howr ladeyE
To Notynggam well y gonI
Robyn went to NotynggamI
Thes pottes for to sellN
The potter abode with Robens menI
Ther he fered not eylleN
Tho Roben droffe on hes weyE
So merey ower the londeE
Heres mor and affter ys to sayeE
The best ys beheyndeE
When Roben cam to NetynggamI
The soyt yef y scholde sayeE
He set op hes horse anonI
And gaffe hem hotys and hayeE
Yn the medys of the towneI
Ther he schowed hes warH
Pottys pottys he gan crey foll soneI
Haffe hansell for the marH
Foll effen agenest the screffeys gateE
Schowed he hes chaffarH
Weyffes and wedowes abowt hem drowH
And chepyd fast of hes warH
Yet Pottys gret chepe creyed RobynI
Y loffe yeffell thes to stondeE
And all that saw hem sellN
Seyde he had be no potter longA
The pottys that wer werthe pens feyffeE
He sold tham for pens threH
Preveley seyde man and weyffeE
Ywnder potter schall never theJ
Thos Roben solde foll fastE
Tell he had pottys bot feyffeE
On he hem toke of his carH
And sende hem to the screffeys weyffeE
Therof sche was foll fayneI
Gramarsey sir than seyde scheP
When ye com to thes contre ayenI
Y schall bey of they pottys so mot y theJ
Ye schall haffe of the best seyde RobenI
And swar be the treneyteE
Foll corteysley she gan hem callN
Com deyne with the screfe and meI
Godamarsey seyde RobenI
Yowr bedyng schalle be doynI
A mayden yn the pottys gan berH
Roben and the screffe weyffe folowed anonI
Whan Roben ynto the hall camI
The screffe sone he metE
The potter cowed of corteyseyL
And sone the screffe he gretE
Loketh what thes potter hayt geffe yow and meI
Feyffe pottys smalle and greteE
He ys fol wellcom seyd the screffeE
Let os was and go to meteE
As they sat at her metheJ
With a nobell cherH
Two of the screffes men gan spekeA
Off a gret wagerH
Was made the thother dayeE
Off a schotyng was god and feyneI
Off forty shillings the soyt to sayeE
Who scholde thes wager wenI
Styll than sat thes prowde poE
Thos than thowt heI
As y am a trow Cerstyn manI
Thes schotyng well y seL
Whan they had fared of the bestE
With bred and ale and weyneI
To the bottys they made them prestE
With bowes and boltys full feyneI
The screffes men schot foll fastE
As archares that weren goddeE
Ther cam non ner ney the markeA
Bey halfe a god archares boweE
Stell then stod the prowde potterH
Thos than seyde heI
And y had a bow be the rodeE
On schot scholde yow seL
Thow schall haffe a bow seyde the screffeE
The best that thow well cheys of threH
Thou semyst a stalward and a strongeQ
Asay schall thow beI
The screffe commandyd a yeman that stod hem beyE
Affter bowhes to wendeE
The best bow that the yeman browtheJ
Roben set on a stryngA
Now schall y wet and thow be godE
And polle het op to they nerH
So god me helpe seyde the prowde potterH
Thys ys bot rygzt weke gerH
To a quequer Roben wentE
A god bolt owthe he tokeA
So ney on to the marke he wentE
He fayled not a fotheJ
All they schot abowthe agenI
The screffes men and heI
Off the marke he welde not fayleN
He cleffed the preke on threH
The screffes men thowt gret schameI
The potter the mastry wanI
The screffe lowe and made god gameI
And seyde Potter thow art a manI
Thow art worthey to ber a boweE
Yn what plas that thow gangA
Yn mey cart y haffe a boweE
Forsoyt he seyde and that a goddeE
Yn mey cart ys the bowF
That I had of Robyn HodeE
Knowest thow Robyn Hode seyde the screffeE
Potter y prey the tell thou meI
A hundred torne y haffe schot with hemI
Under hes tortyll treeI
Y had lever nar a hundred ponde seyde the screffeE
And swar be the treniteE
Y had lever nar a hundred ponde he seydeE
That the fals owtelawe stod be meI
And ye well do afftyr mey red seyde the potterH
And boldeley go with meI
And to morow or we het bredE
Roben Hode wel we seL
Y well queyt the kod the screffeE
And swer be god of meytheJ
Schetyng thay left and hom they wentE
Her scoper was redey deytheJ
Upon the morow when het was dayE
He boskyd hem forthe to reydeE
The potter hes carte forthe gan rayE
And wolde not be leffe beheyndeE
He toke leffe of the screffys wyffeE
And thankyd her of all thyngA
Dam for mey loffe and ye well thys werE
Y geffe yow her a golde ryngA
Gramarsey seyde the weyffeE
Sir god eylde het theJ
The screffes hart was never so leytheJ
The feyr forest to seL
And when he cam ynto the foreystE
Yonder the leffes greneI
Berdys ther sange on bowhes prestE
Het was gret joy to seneI
Her het ys mercy to be seyde RobenI
For a man that had hawt to spendeE
Be mey horne we schall awetE
Yeff Roben Hode be ner handeE
Roben set hes horne to hes mowtheJ
And blow a blast that was full godE
That herde hes men that ther stodeE
Fer downe yn the woddeE
I her mey master seyde Leytell JohnI
They ran as thay wer wodeE
Whan thay to thar master camI
Leytell John wold not sparE
Master how haffe yow far yn NotynggamI
How haffe yow solde yowr warE
Ye be mey trowthe Leytyll JohnI
Loke thow take no carE
Y haffe browt the screffe of NotynggamI
For all howr chaffarE
He ys foll wellcom seyde Lytyll JohnI
Thes tydyng ys foll goddeE
The screffe had lever nar a hundred pondeE
He had never sene Roben HodeE
Had I west that beforenI
At Notynggam when we werE
Thow scholde not com yn feyr forestE
Of all thes thowsande eyrE
That wot y well seyde RobenI
Y thanke god that ye be herE
Therfor schall ye leffe yowr horse with hosL
And all your hother gerE
That fend I godys forbode kod the screffeE
So to lese mey goddeE
Hether ye cam on horse foll heyE
And hom schall ye go on foteE
And gret well they weyffe at homeI
The woman ys foll goddeE
Y schall her sende a wheyt palffreyE
Het hambellet as the weyndeE
Ner for the loffe of yowr weyffeE
Off mor sorow scholde yow seyngA
Thes parted Robyn Hode and the screffeE
To Notynggam he toke the wayeE
Hes weyffe feyr welcomed hem homI
And to hem gan sche sayeE
Seyr how haffe yow fared yn grene foreystE
Haffe ye browt Roben homI
Dam the deyell spede him bothe bodey and bonI
Y haffe hade a foll grete skorneI
Of all the god that y haffe lade to grene wodE
He hayt take het fro meI
All bot this feyr palffreyE
That he hayt sende to theJ
With that sche toke op a lowde lawhyngA
And swhar be hem that deyed on treE
Now haffe yow payed for all the pottysL
That Roben gaffe to meI
Now ye be corn hom to NotynggamI
Ye schall haffe god ynoweE
Now speke we of Roben HodeE
And of the pottyr onder the grene bowheE
Potter what was they pottys wortheJ
To Notynggam that y ledde with meI
They wer worth two nobellys seyd heI
So mot y treyffe or theJ
So cowde y had for thamI
And y had ther beI
Thow schalt hafe ten ponde seyde RobenI
Of money feyr and freE
And yever whan thou comest to grene wodE
Wellcom potter to meI
Thes partyd Robyn the screffe and the potterE
Ondernethe the grene wod treE
God haffe mersey on Robyn Hodys solleN
And saffe all god yemanreyE

Andrew Lang


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