Comments about Theognis

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nonchalantly_: so many books to write. why lawrence durrell is closer to theognis than nietzsche; why rousseau, as filtered through paul de man, can help us to read f scott fitzgerald

wikipediachain: Good > Euthyphro > Sophist (dialogue) > Analogy of the sun > Seventh Letter > Plato's political philosophy > Poitier Meets Plato > Gorgias (dialogue) > Cronus > Greek chorus > Sophocles > Theognis of Megara > Apollonia, Cyrenaica > Pandosia (Lucania) > Peloponnesian League > Ordu

simonjduffy: There's nothing gets a good man down like poverty Cyrnus—not hoary age, not fever chill. Throw yourself, Cyrnus, to the monsters of the deep to escape it or leap down the towering cliffs. A man overcome by poverty is powerless in speech and action and his tongue is tied. Theognis

adhdadmiral: The line describes Theognis, a famous aristocrat thrown out of the city when it had a revolution and established a democracy. He wrote anti democracy poems and praying to zeus to drink the revolutionaries blood. Patron saint to all right wing exiles.

Patrick_Wyman: "Many bad men, for sure, are rich, and many good men poor; yet will we not change our virtue for these men's wealth, seeing that virtue endureth but possessions belong now to this man and now to that." - Theognis of Megara, 6th/5th century BC

don_erackles: “From good people you’ll learn good, but if you mingle with the bad you’ll destroy such soul as you had.” —MUSONIUS RUFUS, QUOTING THEOGNIS OF MEGARA, LECTURES, 11.53.21–22

Chief_McConnell: Some quips on choosing the right crowd: “From good people you’ll learn good, but if you mingle with the bad you’ll destroy such soul as you had.” Musonius Rufus, quoting Theognis of Megara

softstarkid: theognis really gets it i think

gucci_ardini: The passage from Theognis BAP has referenced a few times on education vs breeding

gucci_ardini: I’m reading Nietzsche’s dissertation on Theognis of Megara, and the intro essay by Renato Cristi so far has done a good job of reviving the political reading of N as a radically aristocratic thinker

gucci_ardini: Nietzsche spends a decent amount of time autistically assembling a timeline of Theognis’ life. I relate to this

gucci_ardini: N cites Goethe to explain why Theognis at times descends into his own resentment. He lived through the total overturning of his world, the inversion of the values he was raised to honor

hotgirlh0ckey: theognis’ best poem is when cyrnus breaks up with him

BotTolstoy: I see people arguing with each other, preparing different traps for each other, lying and betraying each other. I cannot see without tears that the foundations of Good and Evil are forgotten, or in some cases completely unknown. —THEOGNIS

Athens_Stranger: Theognis nails it, as always. This, exactly this, is how things got so bad to begin with and why they continue to spiral into newfound depths of hell daily. Machiavelli says in his Discourses on Livy that if one is compelled to go to war, then “make a day of it” — ie *finish* it!

gucci_ardini: Might be doing some theognis of megara posting soon, stay tuned

gucci_ardini: Single biggest reason I picked up this volume was it’s inclusion of every extant line from theognis of megara

nihilistPengu: the problem with theognis is its he doesnt seem like he would be attractive to people who have some problems, which is everybody

AvdullahYousef: “Never would a good man’s son have turned out bad by heeding the words of sensible counsel. But as it is, no teaching will ever serve to make the bad man good.” - Theognis

barbaricvitalsm: “(Theognis)He tells us that in Megara, his country, there were two sorts of men. He calls one the class of the good, ἀγαθοι; this, indeed, is the name which they took in most of the Greek cities. The other he calls the class of the bad, κακοί;” -Coulanges

writingprince: One finds many companions for food and drink, but in a serious business, a man's companions are few. Theognis

untoAugustus: "The past is finished, and can't be undone, Care for the future should be our concern." — Theognis

LNicolette10: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies VXJOJWP

filomusus: Theognis 1245-6: Sooner shall fire and water mix from twain Than there be love between us once again.

endlessbonerz: “But by 60+ years of dem programs never will you make a sheboon civilized” - Theognis

homerslut: i wish translating classical lit into my own verbal parlance was half as marketable as any variation upon "being fun to look at" ffs i can be fun to look at whenever i want to but i can't chat people up like "bro u gotta hear hear this theognis fragment" there has to be a demand

lindvmlo: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies UHAWSJJ

lowe40edde: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies CDP0UTM

tre11ry: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies PJKINWN

Tonguetyd_: Hmm this Theognis guy seems smart, I wonder what else he wrote about

anthrocrypticus: Show on Theognis, when? Dorian opposition to Ionian very important… undo the “ancient error” described by Nietzsche.

KhalkeionGenos: "...But by teaching never will you make the bad man good..." -Theognis of Megara

goyette34btq: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies RL3SEPR

TheognisOMegara: Theognis drinks: kefir-banana-honey smoothie

RyanHoliday: “Even to worthless men the gods give wealth—but excellence they give to few.” Theognis

TheognisOMegara: Theognis drinks: kefir-banana smoothie

TheognisOMegara: Theognis drinks: kefir smoothie

isaiah_davidan: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies .

keilavall: And here a possible/fragmented explanation for the burning sensation, the suspension of breath when looking at something (or someone) with “more than” the organs of vision The eyes and tongue and ears and intelligence of a quick-witted man grow in the middle of the chest Theognis

mwjcomputing: “The first thing, Kurnos, which gods bestow on one they would annihilate, is pride.” - Theognis

Braquemart1888: I'm considering doing some translations. What are some good translator accounts besides Martin, Theognis, and Masaki?

finleybutlerfe: READ/DOWNLOAD Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies ipad

KhalkeionGenos: Follo Theognis here get him over 5k Theognis nice poet heheh

gutenboy2bot: Poets like Alcæus, Anacreon, Agathon and Pindar affected it and Theognis sang of a "beautiful bot in the flower of his youth.

edithmayhall: My plan for this evening: recline on a sofa with accessible wine bowl, stroke pet hare, and sing 'O most beautiful of boys' by Theognis while clacking along with my castanets. Made in the ancient party city of Corinth. The bliss in the singer's eyes is enviable.

sanhodhy: [DOWNLOAD] Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies

leannon81vsz: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies RFZHGSD

gorkemksr: It would be best for man to have never been born, never to have seen the scorching light of the sun, but if he was born he should rush to the gates of Hades as soon as possible and find peace there underground. -theognis

ContraMundumWK: Greek poet Theognis. His poetry is both edifying and comedic because he is showing what is needed for aristocratic man but was evidently surrounded by men too hard pressed by necessity to enjoy the life of freedom, the life whose memory he cherishes

AntigoneJournal: There's Gow's Theocritus (or at least volume 1: intro, text and translation), and a translation with notes of Hesiod, Callimachus and Theognis (Bohn, 1856), nicely bound in quarter vellum and presented by the translator (Revd J Banks) to one Revd J Buckle.

perpetuaLarp: “In rams and asses and horses we seek the thoroughbred, and a man is concerned therein to get him offspring of good stock; yet in marriage… a noble man weddeth of bad stock and a bad man of noble… marvel thou not that the race of thy townsmen is made obscure…” -Theognis

juanserafin54: “Eat and drink and sit with the mighty, and make your- self agreeable to them; for from the good you will learn what is good, but if you mix with the bad, you will lose the intelligence which you already have." - Theognis

KhalkeionGenos: Interdasting thred on Theognis, Nietzsche and Spengler

anthrocrypticus: This is what Theognis would want

anthrocrypticus: Nietzsche’s words Theognis. A man who straddles the temporal boundary between Kultur and Zivilization. A man who simultaneously has access to images of aristocratic “Arete”, laments its decline, and is disgusted by the coming age dominated by the masses.

KhalkeionGenos: Theognis--ancient Grek poet, mysterious...eugenic mans...should I do show? He say "money confounds race"; this somewhat counter to thinking of mens like Charles Murray or modern HBD who in their praise of IQ seem to forget this. And the European aristocracy was ruined same way

neelsmithhc: QOTD: "Sweeping emendations" are "the last infirmity of exegesis" (E. Harrison, Studies in Theognis, p. 167)

mywaypress: A Brother or a Counterfeit: Theognis on Friendship

sentantiq: "If someone praises you for as long as you see him But lashes you with an evil tongue when you are apart, That kind of man is not a very good friend at all. He’s the kind who speaks smoothly with his tongue, but harbors different thoughts."

sentantiq: A Brother or a Counterfeit: Theognis on Friendship

GatheringFlavor: "Adopt the character of the twisting octopus, which takes on the appearance of the nearby rock. Now follow in this direction, now turn a different hue."—Theognis, Elegies 1, 215 Dream Coat Art by Anthony S. Waters

ziemann87: Hesiod and Theognis (Penguin Classics): Theogony, Works and Days, and Elegies [8OFW9GB]

mwakesi: “The first thing, Kurnos, which gods bestow on one they would annihilate, is pride.” ~ Theognis “Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first call promising.” ~ Cyril Connolly

GregoVelazquez: Can you say SCOTUS? "Good people, ... have never yet destroyed a city, But whenever it pleases wicked men to commit outrage, They corrupt the people and issue legal judgment in favor of the unjust, For the sake of their own private profit and power."- Theognis, 6th Century BCE

BaruchLawrence: The Jeffersonian natural born aristocrat has arrived in modern America. Centuries of selection for vigor, virtue, bodily powers, and talents; we have realized Theognis's dream. Look in awe, ye Elves, of the true American Aristoi and learn the limits of your earthly bloodline.

sanpellishowers: "Kyrnos, this polis is pregnant, and I fear it will give birth to a man who will take revenge of our bad hubris." Theognis

gutenboy2bot: Poets like Alcæus, Anacreon, Agathon and Pindar affected it and Theognis sang of a "beautiful bot in the flower of his youth.

alien_ecologies: Tribe of Pessimists - A Short List The members of the tribe of pessimists for Schopenhauer would include a short-list of Parmenides, Simonides, Plutarch, Heraclitus, Theognis, Sophocles, Euripides, Homer, and Pliny, several of whom offer a variety of the ‘wisdom of Silenus’:

JustinVlasits: ...But they say when Simonides was cross-examined about who was well-born, he said those from old money. And according to the same argument, Theognis was not right to value, nor when the poet wrote that “While mortals praise good birth, they would rather marry wealthy men.”

mixoparthenos: Hope is the only good god remaining among mankind; the others have left and gone to Olympus. Trust, a mighty god has gone, Restraint has gone from men, and the Graces, my friend, have abandoned the earth, [etc.]-Theognis of Megara

DrJSPANDYA: It is shameful when a man is drunk among the sober, but it is shameful too if he remains sober among drunks." -Theognis

HabitualMoney: "Ploutos, no wonder mortals worship you: You are so tolerant of their sins!" ~ Theognis

sentantiq: Theognis: A Poet to Avoid for, Um, Virtue

sentantiq: "His poetry is a theory about people, just as if some equestrian were to compose a work about horses. The first principle of his poetry is correct. For he begins by talking about good breeding...."

sentantiq: "Note that Theognis composed useful advice, but mixed in with this are disgusting and pederastic love poems and other topics that a virtuous life turns away from.”

sentantiq: "They worship money. A nobleman marries a commoner’s daughter And a lowborn child comes from on high. Wealth has ruined class. So don’t be amazed at how the stock of your citizens degrades Polypaides—our finer things are all mixed up with the poor.”

ReadHikeKayak: Just finished reading "Hesiod and Theognis" and shared my thoughts on that; and now will be staring The Death of King Arthur. . . Blog Updated with such.

chris_francis23: “Old age suddenly stands up inside you”—Theognis (Tr. Dan Beachy- Quick)

ianyxavier: Elegiac overture ~ Nietzsche’s kindred spirit in Antiquity——Theognis of Megara.

CoachOrtizOL: “From good people you’ll learn good, but if you mingle with the bad you’ll destroy such soul as you had” - Theognis of Megara

QuietMan21: “From good people, you’ll learn good, but if you mingle with the bad you’ll destroy such soul as you had.” ~Musonius Rufus, Quoting Theognis of Megara, Lectures, 11.53.21-22

InlibroV: "Even to a wicked man a divinity gives wealth, Cyrnus, but to few men comes the gift of excellence." Theognis of Megara Elegies

InlibroV: "One finds many companions for food and drink, but in a serious business a man's companions are very few." Theognis of Megara Elegies

BotTolstoy: I see people arguing with each other, preparing different traps for each other, lying and betraying each other. I cannot see without tears that the foundations of Good and Evil are forgotten, or in some cases completely unknown. —THEOGNIS

softypapa: “Justice is the summary of all virtue.” -Theognis

gongore3: "Our state is pregnant, shortly to produce A rude avenger of prolonged abuse. The commons hitherto seem sober-minded, But their superiors are corrupt and blinded." - Theognis

anthonyhennen: We are helpless: it is hard: but we are caught and confined. We are men, what we think is vanity for we know nothing. All is disposed of by the gods in the way they wish. --Theógnis of Mégara

mbateman: Theognis's 6th c. BCE skepticism about education: "It's easier to get and raise a child Than to put character in him. No one Has ever found a way to make a fool Wise or a bad man good." Diving right in tomorrow night. Come!

FredFredSanders: (Hint: Theognis has a beard)

andyandnancy: 6th cent BC poet Theognis on rotten politicos of 2022: "Let no one persuade you to make a depraved man your friend. He'll not rescue you from delusion nor if he has success will he willingly to give you a share. Doing a good turn to the base is an utterly useless act of kindness"

X_one_n: Bap mentions Theognis of Megara in ep97...Found these lines , interesting hmmm "Two demons of drink beset wretched mortals, enfeebling thirst and harsh drunkenness. I'll steer a middle course between them and you won't persuade me either not to drink or to drink too much."

mouettedursseau: "Theognis actually assumes a moral authority parallel to that of lawgivers like Lycurgus and Solon. His declaration at verse 24 (quoted at §9) that he cannot yet be approved by all the citizens of Megara is {36|37} framed in a context of the poet’s..."

Twhittermarsh: Lucky people! Free articles this month on the Oxford Classical Dictionary website: Peter Pavúk on Troy, and Andrew Ford on Theognis.

PrograseevLaft: To win a drinking contest -what's it worth? The bad man often beats the good in that. Theognis

cajun_exile: Trust, a mighty god has gone, Restraint has gone from men...Men's judicial oaths are no longer to be trusted, nor does anyone revere the immortal gods; the race of pious men has perished and men no longer recognize the rules of conduct or acts of piety. –Theognis of Megara, 600BC

QandS_Quotes: A couch of thorns, or an embroidered bed, Are matters of indifference to the dead. THEOGNIS OF MEGARA, "Sumptuous Obsequies"

Numenical: Feeling sorry for Theognis. Getting some major black-pilled reactionary vibes. Those damn plebians!

wchrisharvey: “The first thing which gods bestow on one they would annihilate is pride.” -Theognis

Son_of_Theognis: Moneydealer > LIPSI HA + Juicy

SisyphusRedemed: "Hope is the only good god remaining among mankind; The others have left and gone to Olympus. Trust, a mighty god has gone, moral sanity has gone from men; And the Graces, my friend, have abandoned the earth." — Theognis of Megara

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Eugene Field Poem
 by Eugene Field

Suppose, my dear, that you were I
And by your side your sweetheart sate;
Suppose you noticed by and by
The distance 'twixt you were too great;
Now tell me, dear, what would you do?
I know-and so do you.

And when (so comfortably placed)

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