Samuel Rogers Soft Poems

  • 1.
    Sleep on, and dream of Heav'n awhile.
    Tho' shut so close thy laughing eyes,
    Thy rosy lips still seem to smile,
    And move, and breathe delicious sighs!--
  • 2.
    Delle cose custode, e dispensiera.

  • 3.
    There, in that bed so closely curtain'd round,
    Worn to a shade, and wan with slow decay,
    A father sleeps! Oh hush'd be every sound!
    Soft may we breathe the midnight hours away!
  • 4.
    Once more, enchanting girl, adieu!
    I must be gone while yet I may,
    Oft shall I weep to think of you;
    But here I will not, cannot stay.
  • 5.
    Vane, quid affectas faciem mihi ponere, pictor?
    AĆ« ris et lingua sum filia;
    Et, si vis similem pingere, pinge sonum. AUSONIUS.

  • 6.
    I. 1.

    Hence, to the realms of Night, dire Demon, hence!
    Thy chain of adamant can bind
Total 6 Soft Poems by Samuel Rogers

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