Samuel Rogers Bright Poems

  • 1.
    Delle cose custode, e dispensiera.

  • 2.
    And dost thou still, thou mass of breathing stone,
    (Thy giant limbs to night and chaos hurl'd)
    Still sit as on the fragment of a world;
    Surviving all, majestic and alone?
  • 3.
    Well may you sit within, and, fond of grief,
    Look in each other's face, and melt in tears.
    Well may you shun all counsel, all relief.
    Oh she was great in mind, tho' young in years!
  • 4.
    Vane, quid affectas faciem mihi ponere, pictor?
    AĆ« ris et lingua sum filia;
    Et, si vis similem pingere, pinge sonum. AUSONIUS.

  • 5.
    Oh! that the Chemist's magic art
    Could crystallize this sacred treasure!
    Long should it glitter near my heart,
    A secret source of pensive pleasure.
  • 6.
    I. 1.

    Hence, to the realms of Night, dire Demon, hence!
    Thy chain of adamant can bind
  • 7.
    Blue was the loch, [1] the clouds were gone,
    Ben-Lomond in his glory shone,
    When, Luss, I left thee; when the breeze
    Bore me from thy silver sands,
  • 8.
    Yes, 'tis the pulse of life! my fears were vain!
    I wake, I breathe, and am myself again.
    Still in this nether world; no seraph yet!
    Nor walks my spirit, when the sun is set,
Total 8 Bright Poems by Samuel Rogers

Top 10 most used topics by Samuel Rogers

Soul 11 Secret 9 Charm 8 Bright 8 Sweet 8 Rise 8 Mind 7 Long 7 Silent 7 Wild 7

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Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

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