The monk who's travelled and tired
Sits below the mighty oak tree
And he starts telling his tell
Of the philosophy of abstinence, as usual

The oak tree smiles mildly and bends a little
The sun is burning on top, whole sky is on fire
Expanding it's torn branches and leafs,
The oak tree collects it's half burnt soul
And tries to spread more shadow
Over the tired monk... Stopping the heat at bay

The hunger is ravishing
In the stomach of the monk by now
Unexplainable, Uncontrollable...
The oak tree bends a little again
Expanding it's torn branches and leafs,
And tries to spread more shadow
Over the hungry monk...With a mighty will

And monk starts collecting fallen twigs
He also cut few branches and burnt leaves
To make a fire... To make supper...
The fire keeps burning
The abstinence loose it's integrity
Like ashes on the burnt wood
The monk goes into deep sleep
Below the broken shadow of the oak tree

The oak tree smiles mildly and bends a little
The hunger in the monk's stomach vanishes
The pain of abstinence vanishes suddenly
And the oak tree, it's broken branches,
burnt leaves...Keeps smiling
On the philosophy of hunger over abstinence
And the Monk sleeps like a child
Forgetting his philosophy over hunger

Instagram ID : @abstruse.poetry