Bye bye unprecedented 2020
next hope and aspirations are plenty

The world on brink of doomsday
Hope has kindle for the new day
We welcome this year with
All prayer, all heart seethe

Bye bye unprecedented 2020
next hopes and aspirations are plenty

Unforgettable memories will be charished this year everyone perished
Eagerly waiting for vaccine
We will carry unbearable pain

Books and stories will depict 2020
Hardship, deaths and sorry in plenty
How people waited for 2021
No one knew how will be new one

All welcomed 2020 with pomp and show
Like byegon's but barely in a month
wrath dow
eliminate humanity
Humans united stood for geneosity

Bye bye unprecedented 2020
next hope and aspirations are plenty

Wether we will be or we will be in history
The struggle for it still mistry
yearlong mashed covid 19
All were in Self quarantine

Oh much like devil
Take back Vow of Peril
Let we welcome 2021
And pray this will not be again

Take our last adiew
With it your wrath eschew
Let the generations see the nature's bounty
What new is stored in its county

Generations will remember mire
How 2020 embezzle desire
Bye bye unprecedented 2020
Our hopes and aspirations are plenty