Once betrothed and married out,
Rebelled we against our husbands.
Wanting to be married out
To men of our choices and brands.
We struggled, we strived, we fought
And with perseverance, we stood our stands.

Yesterday we were happily married
Happily married to our choiced men
Men we all once claimed were our pride
Men that make us, on our own, fend.
In our new homes, we table our plights
Without no one willing to defend.

Today, search the streets, go to the market places
Enter homes, visit the palaces
Are we taken for granted...
Or are we considered unwanted?
The once ever lovely wife, now bruises her choice
The once happy brides, now bitter wives

Who is next? The landlords wonder.
Could it be me or another neighbor?
They all bitterly complain
With no one to better explain
Most wives now disdain
Because none can ever restrain

If this be our price for choosing our own husbands
Then we'd better remained betrothed.