Scars and bruises,
Tears and pain,
Loneliness and sorrow,
All of these my soul holds deep inside,
Living in an illusion of fake feelings,
Feelings of happiness,
Feelings of admiration
Feelings of appreciation,
Feelings that were never there to begin with....

A soul that once felt the beauty of calmness ,
With an adrenaline rush of sweet emotions,
On a journey to find its mate,
Overcoming all hardships,
On a bid to find true love....

Stopping half way through the journey ,
A chapter of my life remains incomplete,
From healed to broken,
Giving up on the hopes of life,
Absorbing all the pain,
With a frozen heart....

Standing with pieces of my broken soul
in both hands,
So fragile and so open,
Unable to decide if I should continue
or turn back,
For the path you asked me to travel on
was nothing but an illusion.
I’m torn between wanting to continue
or turn back with nothing but a broken soul.