Peace of mind, keep still
And clear our troubled home
Of all worries, problems until
Mankind becomes whole.

Together as one, hand in hand,
Forward facing, strong and brave,
Moving, together, as much as we can,
Going against the new decade's flame.

A fire that spread far and all around,
Deceptively, evading the eyes of all.
A heat that knows no bounds,
A force that got through walls.

In the fight to extinguish this danger,
Bless the forerunners and the highly-skilled.
Bless the aides, volunteers, nurses, and doctors;
Grace humanity with wisdom and will.

The past that was is fail-ridden,
The present remains at stalemate.
The future before us, still hidden,
What's beyond is hope in a new day.

May the people leading this battle
Not lose themselves and give up halfway.
With support from the people, deter this hassle
That vexes our species; this we pray:

Having faith in man is trust.
Believe in them, then action will bore from words.
Believe in the power of us,
And we will embrace a healed world.