The Odyssey: Book 17 Poem Rhyme Scheme and Analysis


When the child of morning rosy fingered Dawn appearedA
Telemachus bound on his sandals and took a strong spear that suitedB
his hands for he wanted to go into the city Old friend said he toC
the swineherd I will now go to the town and show myself to myD
mother for she will never leave off grieving till she has seen me AsE
for this unfortunate stranger take him to the town and let him begF
there of any one who will give him a drink and a piece of bread ID
have trouble enough of my own and cannot be burdened with otherG
people If this makes him angry so much the worse for him but ID
like to say what I meanH
Then Ulysses said Sir I do not want to stay here a beggar canI
always do better in town than country for any one who likes canI
give him something I am too old to care about remaining here at theJ
beck and call of a master Therefore let this man do as you haveK
just told him and take me to the town as soon as I have had a warm byD
the fire and the day has got a little heat in it My clothes areL
wretchedly thin and this frosty morning I shall be perished withM
cold for you say the city is some way offN
On this Telemachus strode off through the yards brooding hisO
revenge upon the When he reached home he stood his spear against aJ
bearing post of the cloister crossed the stone floor of theJ
cloister itself and went insideP
Nurse Euryclea saw him long before any one else did She was puttingQ
the fleeces on to the seats and she burst out crying as she ran up toC
him all the other maids came up too and covered his head andR
shoulders with their kisses Penelope came out of her room lookingQ
like Diana or Venus and wept as she flung her arms about her son SheS
kissed his forehead and both his beautiful eyes Light of my eyesT
she cried as she spoke fondly to him so you are come home again ID
made sure I was never going to see you any more To think of yourU
having gone off to Pylos without saying anything about it or obtainingQ
my consent But come tell me what you sawV
Do not scold me mother ' answered Telemachus nor vex meS
seeing what a narrow escape I have had but wash your face changeW
your dress go upstairs with your maids and promise full andR
sufficient hecatombs to all the gods if Jove will only grant us ourG
revenge upon the suitors I must now go to the place of assembly toC
invite a stranger who has come back with me from Pylos I sent himX
on with my crew and told Piraeus to take him home and look afterG
him till I could come for him myselfY
She heeded her son's words washed her face changed her dressZ
and vowed full and sufficient hecatombs to all the gods if theyA2
would only vouchsafe her revenge upon the suitorsB2
Telemachus went through and out of the cloisters spear in handC2
not alone for his two fleet dogs went with him Minerva endowed himX
with a presence of such divine comeliness that all marvelled at him asE
he went by and the suitors gathered round him with fair words inD2
their mouths and malice in their hearts but he avoided them and wentE2
to sit with Mentor Antiphus and Halitherses old friends of hisO
father's house and they made him tell them all that had happened toC
him Then Piraeus came up with Theoclymenus whom he had escortedF2
through the town to the place of assembly whereon Telemachus atG2
once joined them Piraeus was first to speak Telemachus said heS
I wish you would send some of your women to my house to take awaH2
the presents Menelaus gave youC
We do not know Piraeus answered Telemachus what may happen IfI2
the suitors kill me in my own house and divide my property among themJ2
I would rather you had the presents than that any of those peopleK2
should get hold of them If on the other hand I manage to kill them ID
shall be much obliged if you will kindly bring me my presentsL2
With these words he took Theoclymenus to his own house When theyA2
got there they laid their cloaks on the benches and seats went intoC
the baths and washed themselves When the maids had washed andR
anointed them and had given them cloaks and shirts they took theirM2
seats at table A maid servant then brought them water in aJ
beautiful golden ewer and poured it into a silver basin for them toC
wash their hands and she drew a clean table beside them An upperG
servant brought them bread and offered them many good things of whatN2
there was in the house Opposite them sat Penelope reclining on aJ
couch by one of the bearing posts of the cloister and spinningQ
Then they laid their hands on the good things that were before themJ2
and as soon as they had had enough to eat and drink Penelope saidO2
Telemachus I shall go upstairs and lie down on that sad couchP2
which I have not ceased to water with my tears from the day UlyssesQ2
set out for Troy with the sons of Atreus You failed however to makeR2
it clear to me before the suitors came back to the house whether orU
no you had been able to hear anything about the return of yourU
I will tell you then truth replied her son We went to Pylos andR
saw Nestor who took me to his house and treated me as hospitably asE
though I were a son of his own who had just returned after a longS2
absence so also did his sons but he said he had not heard a wordT2
from any human being about Ulysses whether he was alive or dead HeS
sent me therefore with a chariot and horses to Menelaus There I sawV
Helen for whose sake so many both Argives and Trojans were inD2
heaven's wisdom doomed to suffer Menelaus asked me what it was thatG2
had brought me to Lacedaemon and I told him the whole truthU2
whereon he said 'So then these cowards would usurp a brave man'sV2
bed A hind might as well lay her new born young in the lair of aJ
lion and then go off to feed in the forest or in some grassy dellW2
The lion when he comes back to his lair will make short work withM
the pair of them and so will Ulysses with these suitors By fatherG
Jove Minerva and Apollo if Ulysses is still the man that he wasX2
when he wrestled with Philomeleides in Lesbos and threw him soY2
heavily that all the Greeks cheered him if he is still such and wereG
to come near these suitors they would have a short shrift and a sorryS
wedding As regards your question however I will not prevaricate norU
deceive you but what the old man of the sea told me so much will ID
tell you in full He said he could see Ulysses on an islandR
sorrowing bitterly in the house of the nymph Calypso who wasX2
keeping him prisoner and he could not reach his home for he had noY2
ships nor sailors to take him over the sea ' This was what MenelausX2
told me and when I had heard his story I came away the gods thenZ2
gave me a fair wind and soon brought me safe home againZ2
With these words he moved the heart of Penelope Then TheoclymenusX2
said to herG
Madam wife of Ulysses Telemachus does not understand theseX2
things listen therefore to me for I can divine them surely and willA3
hide nothing from you May Jove the king of heaven be my witnessX2
and the rites of hospitality with that hearth of Ulysses to which ID
now come that Ulysses himself is even now in Ithaca and eitherG
going about the country or staying in one place is enquiring into allB3
these evil deeds and preparing a day of reckoning for the suitors ID
saw an omen when I was on the ship which meant this and I toldC3
Telemachus about itD3
May it be even so answered Penelope if your words come trueC
you shall have such gifts and such good will from me that all whoC
see you shall congratulate youC
Thus did they converse Meanwhile the suitors were throwing discsX2
or aiming with spears at a mark on the levelled ground in front of theJ
house and behaving with all their old insolence But when it wasX2
now time for dinner and the flock of sheep and goats had come intoC
the town from all the country round with their shepherds as usualK2
then Medon who was their favourite servant and who waited uponE3
them at table said Now then my young masters you have hadF3
enough sport so come inside that we may get dinner ready Dinner isX2
not a bad thing at dinner timeG3
They left their sports as he told them and when they were withinD2
the house they laid their cloaks on the benches and seats inside andR
then sacrificed some sheep goats pigs and a heifer all of them fatG2
and well grown Thus they made ready for their meal In the meantimeG3
Ulysses and the swineherd were about starting for the town and theJ
swineherd said Stranger I suppose you still want to go to townH3
to day as my master said you were to do for my own part I shouldI3
have liked you to stay here as a station hand but I must do as myD
master tells me or he will scold me later on and a scolding fromJ3
one's master is a very serious thing Let us then be off for it isX2
now broad day it will be night again directly and then you willA3
find it colderG
I know and understand you replied Ulysses you need say noY2
more Let us be going but if you have a stick ready cut let meS
have it to walk with for you say the road is a very rough oneK3
As he spoke he threw his shabby old tattered wallet over hisX2
shoulders by the cord from which it hung and Eumaeus gave him aJ
stick to his liking The two then started leaving the station inD2
charge of the dogs and herdsmen who remained behind the swineherd ledO2
the way and his master followed after looking like some broken downH3
old tramp as he leaned upon his staff and his clothes were all inD2
rags When they had got over the rough steep ground and were nearingQ
the city they reached the fountain from which the citizens drew theirM2
water This had been made by Ithacus Neritus and Polyctor There wasX2
a grove of water loving poplars planted in a circle all round itD3
and the clear cold water came down to it from a rock high up whileL3
above the fountain there was an altar to the nymphs at which allB3
wayfarers used to sacrifice Here Melanthius son of Dolius overtookM3
them as he was driving down some goats the best in his flock for theJ
suitors' dinner and there were two shepherds with him When he sawX2
Eumaeus and Ulysses he reviled them with outrageous and unseemlyS
language which made Ulysses very angryS
There you go cried he and a precious pair you are See howN3
heaven brings birds of the same feather to one another Where prayA2
master swineherd are you taking this poor miserable object ItD3
would make any one sick to see such a creature at table A fellow likeO3
this never won a prize for anything in his life but will go aboutP3
rubbing his shoulders against every man's door post and beggingQ
not for swords and cauldrons like a man but only for a few scraps notQ3
worth begging for If you would give him to me for a hand on myD
station he might do to clean out the folds or bring a bit of sweetR3
feed to the kids and he could fatten his thighs as much as he pleasedS3
on whey but he has taken to bad ways and will not go about any kindT3
of work he will do nothing but beg victuals all the town over toC
feed his insatiable belly I say therefore and it shall surely be ifI2
he goes near Ulysses' house he will get his head broken by theJ
stools they will fling at him till they turn him outP3
On this as he passed he gave Ulysses a kick on the hip out of pureU3
wantonness but Ulysses stood firm and did not budge from the pathV3
For a moment he doubted whether or no to fly at Melanthius and killA3
him with his staff or fling him to the ground and beat his brainsX2
out he resolved however to endure it and keep himself in check butN2
the swineherd looked straight at Melanthius and rebuked him liftingQ
up his hands and praying to heaven as he did soY2
Fountain nymphs he cried children of Jove if ever UlyssesX2
burned you thigh bones covered with fat whether of lambs or kidsX2
grant my prayer that heaven may send him home He would soon put anI
end to the swaggering threats with which such men as you go aboutP3
insulting people gadding all over the town while your flocks are goingQ
to ruin through bad shepherdingQ
Then Melanthius the goatherd answered You ill conditioned curG
what are you talking about Some day or other I will put you onE3
board ship and take you to a foreign country where I can sell you andR
pocket the money you will fetch I wish I were as sure that ApolloY2
would strike Telemachus dead this very day or that the suitorsX2
would kill him as I am that Ulysses will never come home againZ2
With this he left them to come on at their leisure while he wentE2
quickly forward and soon reached the house of his master When heS
got there he went in and took his seat among the suitors oppositeN2
Eurymachus who liked him better than any of the others TheJ
servants brought him a portion of meat and an upper woman servant setW3
bread before him that he might eat Presently Ulysses and theJ
swineherd came up to the house and stood by it amid a sound of musicX3
for Phemius was just beginning to sing to the suitors Then UlyssesX2
took hold of the swineherd's hand and saidO2
Eumaeus this house of Ulysses is a very fine place No matterG
how far you go you will find few like it One building keeps followingQ
on after another The outer court has a wall with battlements allB3
round it the doors are double folding and of good workmanship itD3
would be a hard matter to take it by force of arms I perceive tooC
that there are many people banqueting within it for there is aJ
smell of roast meat and I hear a sound of music which the godsX2
have made to go along with feastingQ
Then Eumaeus said You have perceived aright as indeed youC
generally do but let us think what will be our best course WillA3
you go inside first and join the suitors leaving me here behindT3
you or will you wait here and let me go in first But do not waitY3
long or some one may you loitering about outside and throw somethingQ
at you Consider this matter I pray youC
And Ulysses answered I understand and heed Go in first andR
leave me here where I am I am quite used to being beaten and havingQ
things thrown at me I have been so much buffeted about in war andR
by sea that I am case hardened and this too may go with the rest ButN2
a man cannot hide away the cravings of a hungry belly this is anI
enemy which gives much trouble to all men it is because of thisX2
that ships are fitted out to sail the seas and to make war upon otherG
As they were thus talking a dog that had been lying asleep raisedZ3
his head and pricked up his ears This was Argos whom Ulysses hadF3
bred before setting out for Troy but he had never had any work out ofA4
him In the old days he used to be taken out by the young men whenZ2
they went hunting wild goats or deer or hares but now that hisX2
master was gone he was lying neglected on the heaps of mule and cowN3
dung that lay in front of the stable doors till the men should comeJ3
and draw it away to manure the great close and he was full ofA4
fleas As soon as he saw Ulysses standing there he dropped his earsX2
and wagged his tail but he could not get close up to his master WhenZ2
Ulysses saw the dog on the other side of the yard dashed a tearM2
from his eyes without Eumaeus seeing it and saidO2
Eumaeus what a noble hound that is over yonder on the manure heapB4
his build is splendid is he as fine a fellow as he looks or is heS
only one of those dogs that come begging about a table and are keptC4
merely for showY2
This hound answered Eumaeus belonged to him who has died in aJ
far country If he were what he was when Ulysses left for Troy heS
would soon show you what he could do There was not a wild beast inD2
the forest that could get away from him when he was once on itsX2
tracks But now he has fallen on evil times for his master is deadO2
and gone and the women take no care of him Servants never do theirM2
work when their master's hand is no longer over them for Jove takesX2
half the goodness out of a man when he makes a slave of himX
As he spoke he went inside the buildings to the cloister where theJ
suitors were but Argos died as soon as he had recognized his masterG
Telemachus saw Eumaeus long before any one else did and beckonedR
him to come and sit beside him so he looked about and saw a seatR3
lying near where the carver sat serving out their portions to theJ
suitors he picked it up brought it to Telemachus's table and satG2
down opposite him Then the servant brought him his portion andR
gave him bread from the bread basketN2
Immediately afterwards Ulysses came inside looking like a poorD4
miserable old beggar leaning on his staff and with his clothes all inD2
rags He sat down upon the threshold of ash wood just inside the doorsX2
leading from the outer to the inner court and against aJ
bearing post of cypress wood which the carpenter had skillfullyS
planed and had made to join truly with rule and line Telemachus tookM3
a whole loaf from the bread basket with as much meat as he could holdC3
in his two hands and said to Eumaeus Take this to the stranger andR
tell him to go the round of the suitors and beg from them a beggarG
must not be shamefacedR
So Eumaeus went up to him and said Stranger Telemachus sendsX2
you this and says you are to go the round of the suitors begging forU
beggars must not be shamefacedR
Ulysses answered May King Jove grant all happiness toR
Telemachus and fulfil the desire of his heartR
Then with both hands he took what Telemachus had sent him andR
laid it on the dirty old wallet at his feet He went on eating itR
while the bard was singing and had just finished his dinner as heS
left off The suitors applauded the bard whereon Minerva went up toR
Ulysses and prompted him to beg pieces of bread from each one of theJ
suitors that he might see what kind of people they were and tell theJ
good from the bad but come what might she was not going to save aJ
single one of them Ulysses therefore went on his round goingQ
from left to right and stretched out his hands to beg as though heS
were a real beggar Some of them pitied him and were curious aboutR
him asking one another who he was and where he came from whereon theJ
goatherd Melanthius said Suitors of my noble mistress I can tellW2
you something about him for I have seen him before The swineherdR
brought him here but I know nothing about the man himself norU
where he comes fromJ3
On this Antinous began to abuse the swineherd You precious idiotR
he cried what have you brought this man to town for Have we notR
tramps and beggars enough already to pester us as we sit at meat DoR
you think it a small thing that such people gather here to wasteR
your master's property and must you needs bring this man as wellW2
And Eumaeus answered Antinous your birth is good but your wordsX2
evil It was no doing of mine that he came here Who is likely toR
invite a stranger from a foreign country unless it be one of thoseX2
who can do public service as a seer a healer of hurts a carpenterG
or a bard who can charm us with his Such men are welcome all the worldR
over but no one is likely to ask a beggar who will only worry himX
You are always harder on Ulysses' servants than any of the otherG
suitors are and above all on me but I do not care so long asX2
Telemachus and Penelope are alive and hereE4
But Telemachus said Hush do not answer him Antinous has theJ
bitterest tongue of all the suitors and he makes the others worseX2
Then turning to Antinous he said Antinous you take as much careM2
of my interests as though I were your son Why should you want toR
see this stranger turned out of the house Heaven forbid take'Q
something and give it him yourself I do not grudge it I bid you takeQ
it Never mind my mother nor any of the other servants in theJ
house but I know you will not do what I say for you are more fond ofA4
eating things yourself than of giving them to other peopleK2
What do you mean Telemachus replied Antinous by thisX2
swaggering talk If all the suitors were to give him as much as ID
will he would not come here again for another three monthsX2
As he spoke he drew the stool on which he rested his dainty feetR
from under the table and made as though he would throw it at UlyssesX2
but the other suitors all gave him something and filled his walletR
with bread and meat he was about therefore to go back to theJ
threshold and eat what the suitors had given him but he first went upF4
to Antinous and saidR
Sir give me something you are not surely the poorest manI
here you seem to be a chief foremost among them all therefore youR
should be the better giver and I will tell far and wide of yourU
bounty I too was a rich man once and had a fine house of my ownG4
in those days I gave to many a tramp such as I now am no matter whoR
he might be nor what he wanted I had any number of servants andR
all the other things which people have who live well and are accountedR
wealthy but it pleased Jove to take all away from me He sent me withM
a band of roving robbers to Egypt it was a long voyage and I wasX2
undone by it I stationed my bade ships in the river Aegyptus andR
bade my men stay by them and keep guard over them while sent outR
scouts to reconnoitre from every point of vantageH4
But the men disobeyed my orders took to their own devices andR
ravaged the land of the Egyptians killing the men and taking theirM2
wives and children captives The alarm was soon carried to the cityR
and when they heard the war cry the people came out at daybreakQ
till the plain was filled with soldiers horse and foot and with theJ
gleam of armour Then Jove spread panic among my men and they wouldR
no longer face the enemy for they found themselves surrounded TheJ
Egyptians killed many of us and took the rest alive to do forcedR
labour for them as for myself they gave me to a friend who met themJ2
to take to Cyprus Dmetor by name son of Iasus who was a great manI
in Cyprus Thence I am come hither in a state of great miseryR
Then Antinous said What god can have sent such a pestilence toR
plague us during our dinner Get out into the open part of the courtR
or I will give you Egypt and Cyprus over again for your insolenceX2
and importunity you have begged of all the others and they haveK
given you lavishly for they have abundance round them and it is easyR
to be free with other people's property when there is plenty of itR
On this Ulysses began to move off and said Your looks my fineI4
sir are better than your breeding if you were in your own houseX2
you would not spare a poor man so much as a pinch of salt forU
though you are in another man's and surrounded with abundance youR
cannot find it in you to give him even a piece of breadR
This made Antinous very angry and he scowled at him saying YouR
shall pay for this before you get clear of the court With theseX2
words he threw a footstool at him and hit him on the rightR
shoulder blade near the top of his back Ulysses stood firm as aJ
rock and the blow did not even stagger him but he shook his head inD2
silence as he brooded on his revenge Then he went back to theJ
threshold and sat down there laying his well filled wallet at hisX2
Listen to me he cried you suitors of Queen Penelope that I mayA2
speak even as I am minded A man knows neither ache nor pain if heR
gets hit while fighting for his money or for his sheep or his cattleK2
and even so Antinous has hit me while in the service of my miserableK2
belly which is always getting people into trouble Still if the poorD4
have gods and avenging deities at all I pray them that Antinous mayA2
come to a bad end before his marriageJ4
Sit where you are and eat your victuals in silence or be offN
elsewhere shouted Antinous If you say more I will have you draggedR
hand and foot through the courts and the servants shall flay youR
The other suitors were much displeased at this and one of the youngQ
men said Antinous you did ill in striking that poor wretch of aJ
tramp it will be worse for you if he should turn out to be someJ3
god and we know the gods go about disguised in all sorts of ways asX2
people from foreign countries and travel about the world to see whoR
do amiss and who righteouslyR
Thus said the suitors but Antinous paid them no heed MeanwhileL3
Telemachus was furious about the blow that had been given to hisX2
father and though no tear fell from him he shook his head in silenceX2
and brooded on his revengeL4
Now when Penelope heard that the beggar had been struck in theJ
banqueting cloister she said before her maids Would that ApolloY2
would so strike you Antinous and her waiting woman EurynomeJ3
answered If our prayers were answered not one of the suitors wouldR
ever again see the sun rise Then Penelope said Nurse I hate everyR
single one of them for they mean nothing but mischief but I hateR
Antinous like the darkness of death itself A poor unfortunate trampM4
has come begging about the house for sheer want Every one else hasX2
given him something to put in his wallet but Antinous has hit himJ3
on the right shoulder blade with a footstoolY2
Thus did she talk with her maids as she sat in her own room andR
in the meantime Ulysses was getting his dinner Then she called forU
the swineherd and said Eumaeus go and tell the stranger to comeJ3
here I want to see him and ask him some questions He seems to haveK
travelled much and he may have seen or heard something of myJ3
unhappy husbandR
To this you answered O swineherd Eumaeus If these AchaeansX2
Madam would only keep quiet you would be charmed with the history ofA4
his adventures I had him three days and three nights with me in myJ3
hut which was the first place he reached after running away fromJ3
his ship and he has not yet completed the story of his misfortunesX2
If he had been the most heaven taught minstrel in the whole worldR
on whose lips all hearers hang entranced I could not have been moreU
charmed as I sat in my hut and listened to him He says there is anI
old friendship between his house and that of Ulysses and that heR
comes from Crete where the descendants of Minos live after havingQ
been driven hither and thither by every kind of misfortune he alsoX2
declares that he has heard of Ulysses as being alive and near atR
hand among the Thesprotians and that he is bringing great wealth homeJ3
with himJ3
Call him here then said Penelope that I too may hear hisX2
story As for the suitors let them take their pleasure indoors or outR
as they will for they have nothing to fret about Their corn and wineI4
remain unwasted in their houses with none but servants to consumeJ3
them while they keep hanging about our house day after dayA2
sacrificing our oxen sheep and fat goats for their banquets andR
never giving so much as a thought to the quantity of wine theyA2
drink No estate can stand such recklessness for we have now noX2
Ulysses to protect us If he were to come again he and his sonK3
would soon have their revengeL4
As she spoke Telemachus sneezed so loudly that the whole houseX2
resounded with it Penelope laughed when she heard this and said toR
Eumaeus Go and call the stranger did you not hear how my sonK3
sneezed just as I was speaking This can only mean that all theJ
suitors are going to be killed and that not one of them shall escapeN4
Furthermore I say and lay my saying to your heart if I amJ3
satisfied that the stranger is speaking the truth I shall give him aJ
shirt and cloak of good wearM2
When Eumaeus heard this he went straight to Ulysses and saidR
Father stranger my mistress Penelope mother of Telemachus has sentR
for you she is in great grief but she wishes to hear anything youR
can tell her about her husband and if she is satisfied that you areL
speaking the truth she will give you a shirt and cloak which are theJ
very things that you are most in want of As for bread you can getR
enough of that to fill your belly by begging about the town andR
letting those give that willY2
I will tell Penelope answered Ulysses nothing but what isX2
strictly true I know all about her husband and have been partnerG
with him in affliction but I am afraid of passing through this crowdR
of cruel suitors for their pride and insolence reach heaven JustR
now moreover as I was going about the house without doing anyR
harm a man gave me a blow that hurt me very much but neitherG
Telemachus nor any one else defended me Tell Penelope thereforeU
to be patient and wait till sundown Let her give me a seat close upF4
to the fire for my clothes are worn very thin you know they are forU
you have seen them ever since I first asked you to help me she canI
then ask me about the return of her husbandR
The swineherd went back when he heard this and Penelope said as sheR
saw him cross the threshold Why do you not bring him hereE4
Eumaeus Is he afraid that some one will ill treat him or is he shyJ3
of coming inside the house at all Beggars should not be shamefacedR
To this you answered O swineherd Eumaeus The stranger is quiteR
reasonable He is avoiding the suitors and is only doing what any oneK3
else would do He asks you to wait till sundown and it will be muchO4
better madam that you should have him all to yourself when youR
can hear him and talk to him as you willY2
The man is no fool answered Penelope it would very likely be asX2
he says for there are no such abominable people in the whole world asX2
these men areL
When she had done speaking Eumaeus went back to the suitors forU
he had explained everything Then he went up to Telemachus and said inD2
his ear so that none could overhear him My dear sir I will now goX2
back to the pigs to see after your property and my own businessX2
You will look to what is going on here but above all be careful toR
keep out of danger for there are many who bear you ill will May JoveA4
bring them to a bad end before they do us a mischiefA4
Very well replied Telemachus go home when you have had yourU
dinner and in the morning come here with the victims we are toR
sacrifice for the day Leave the rest to heaven and meR
On this Eumaeus took his seat again and when he had finished hisX2
dinner he left the courts and the cloister with the men at tableY2
and went back to his pigs As for the suitors they presently began toR
amuse themselves with singing and dancing for it was now getting onE3
towards eveningQ



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