Edward Fitzgerald Away Poems

  • 1.
    AWAKE! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
    Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight:
    And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught
  • 2.
    Once on a time from all the Circles seven
    Between the steadfast Earth and rolling Heaven
    The Birds, of all Note, Plumage, and Degree,
    That float in Air, and roost upon the Tree;
  • 3.

    A BOOK of Verses underneath the Bough,
    A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou
  • 4.
    Tis a dull sight
    To see the year dying,
    When winter winds
    Set the yellow wood sighing:
  • 5.

    Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
    Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight:
  • 6.
    'Tis a dull sight
    To see the year dying,
    When winter winds
    Set the yellow wood sighing:
  • 7.
    From the Spanish of Pedro Calderon de la Barca

    A dream it was in which I found myself.
    And you that hail me now, then hailed me king,
Total 7 Away Poems by Edward Fitzgerald

Top 10 most used topics by Edward Fitzgerald

Away 7 Room 7 Time 7 Never 7 Wind 7 Sometimes 7 Merry 7 Night 6 Sweet 6 Summer 6

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Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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