Comments about William Topaz Mcgonagall

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welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

DismalChips: William Topaz McGonagall will be out of a job, that's for sure.

ArgyleBecky: William Topaz McGonagall, poet & tragedian of Dundee, has been widely hailed as the writer of the worst poetry in the English language….the SNP have similar notoriety & have proven to be the worst political party in Scottish history. McGonagall describing the tragedy of the SNP.

Spare_Snare: The alternative Burns. A hero. Apparently he would rearrange and cut up his poems, similar to what Bowie did. Not the world's worst poet after all. We give you William Topaz McGonagall.

Jan_D_Burnett: The alternative Burns. A hero. Apparently he would rearrange and cut up his poems, similar to what Bowie did. Not the world's worst poet after all. I give you William Topaz McGonagall.

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

Jomegsallan: Just been reminded that Wednesday is Burns Night. And while I appreciate how truly, rampantly horny Rab was, I feel we overlook Scotland's truest son, William Topaz McGonagall. Never did a man froth so violently -and with so little merit- about Dundee.

JimSpenceDundee: William Topaz McGonagall was a shining light by comparison

DoktorFuttocks: Worthy of the immortal bard William Topaz McGonagall his bad self.

Ruf_Omn_Rex: "Beautiful railway bridge of the silv'ry Tay Alas! I am very sorry to say That ninety lives have been taken away On the last sabbath day of 1879 Which will be remember'd for a very long time." - William Topaz McGonagall.

duendejeams: Pictured: William Topaz McGonagall

ABroadBrush: Channelling William Topaz McGonagall.

flockthickens: Well, that escalated quickly! (‘An Autumn Reverie’, William Topaz McGonagall)

mattwardman: Allegedly Stephen Fry has flounced off twitter (again). The kneejerking man's William Topaz McGonagall.

JohnForbes_JFC: William Topaz McGonagall has been reincarnated at GB News.

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

PhDhurtBrain: Also apologies to William Topaz McGonagall, whose Tay Bridge Disaster (1880) has immediately become the centerpiece of my next project.

MarkBlue71: The Tay Bridge Disaster by the wonderfully-named William Topaz McGonagall

Daily_Reckless: Song of the day in the Daily Reckless:

TommyReckless: The toast of auld Dundee:

TommyReckless: On yonder hill there stood a coo It must've moved cos it's no there noo

ClanMhuirich: Poet William Topaz McGonagall died - On this day in Scottish history

mamboward: On This Day in Scotland 29 September 1902: The death of William Topaz McGonagall, widely celebrated as the worst poet ever to have written in the English language.

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

theclancameron: "So the pipers struck up the March of the Cameron Men, which reminded them of the ancient Camerons marching o'er mountain and glen." William Topaz McGonagall - c. 1897

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

ThomasJancis: "And, in conclusion, I will say without dismay, Visit the theatre without delay, Because the theatre is a school of morality, And hasn't the least tendency to lead to prodigality." William Topaz McGonagall, poet and tragedian. Knight of the White Elephant of Burmah.

that_wazzock: Hats off to Sandra Bond of Derby for successfully channelling the spirit of the late, great William Topaz McGonagall.

AndrewRilstone: You're no William Topaz McGonagall

the_emana_mfon: I'm not much of a poem lover but I appreciate it & today because I'm grateful for the sun, I'll share picture slides of the poem- 'The Beautiful Sun' written by William Topaz McGonagall. I hope you enjoy the poem & take a moment to reflect on the beauty of the ever beautiful sun

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

guy_pharm: Say what you want about William Topaz McGonagall, but he is basically the patron saint of Twitter. May we all achieve this level of enteral peace and confidence

miserableposter: the worst poet of all time is not william topaz mcgonagall, its me when i was on deviantart in 2011

ZenBike_UK: On yonder hill, there stands a coo. It's no there noo. It must've shifted. - William Topaz McGonagall

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

habiben_: Your plays are read in family ciFcles with wonder and delight, While seated around the fireside on a cold winter's night.-William Topaz McGonagall NEWSTOKOYAN SI BENEDIX

StudiosPoetic: ☀️The Beautiful Sun by William Topaz McGonagall Beautiful Sun! with thy golden rays, To God, the wise Creator, be all praise; For thou nourisheth all the creation, Wherever there is found to be animation.

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

PTOOP: I have exhaustively quartered the Scottish Poetry Rose Garden (I even checked the columns). There is no trace of William Topaz McGonagall, not even on a bin. Perimeter hedge is infested with rats.

semaforben: ❤️ the FT: "Is Solomon at risk of becoming the dance music equivalent of William Topaz McGonagall, the Dundee loom weaver turned poet whose doggerel became a source of cruel amusement among the artsy set?"

MattZeitlin: Only in the FT: "Is [David] Solomon at risk of becoming the dance music equivalent of William Topaz McGonagall, the Dundee loom weaver turned poet whose doggerel became a source of cruel amusement among the artsy set?"

GarfieldRealty: “Oh mighty City of New York! you are wonderful to behold, Your buildings are magnificent, the truth be it told…” - William Topaz McGonagall — Happy World Poetry Day!

SadHillDevan: It's almost inspiring to see someone so proudly wear their William Topaz McGonagall influence out in the open like that.

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful.

MulberryCoates: The most important thing, though, was that William Topaz McGonagall wrote a poem about it, which is as magnificent as you would expect

matrioshkadog: …No surprise :P I have read Virtue of Selfishness, 50 Shades of Grey, and quite a bit of William Topaz McGonagall; Maps of Meaning is the only book so incredibly stupid that I gave up both on reading it and on understanding what anyone could possibly extract from it.

frenchbloke: It's Burns' birthday. I always preferred William Topaz McGonagall

Gpoptosis: remembering on this special night the makar of makars, the bard of the Tay, the national poet, William Topaz McGonagall

sashadebuyl: Hup William Topaz McGonagall!

GtPoems: If you ever doubt your poetic skills, have a read of the collected works of William Topaz Mcgonagall, poet, actor, weaver, widely thought of as the worst poet who ever lived

SadHillDevan: I found a higher-quality source of this, but this is what happens to the audio when I import it into Premiere. I swear that I have done nothing to modify this. I can only assume that William Topaz McGonagall would have approved.

S_Berthelemy: A Highland Cow finished today. “On yonder hill there stood a coo, It’s no’ there noo, It must’a shif’ted”. William Topaz McGonagall ❤️

welfordwrites: William Topaz McGonagall

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful. Click the link!

hammerito: It is William Topaz McGonagall time

Webbieotw: A New Year's Resolution to Leave Dundee. by William Topaz McGonagall, Poet, Tragedian (and Twit). Happy 2022 and oooohh!

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful. Click the link!

blueskyred54: William Topaz McGonagall’s work was deemed terrible it was learned he supported the Suffrage and Temperance Movements

scothistorypod: EP. 67 - William Topaz McGonagall

MinogueTom: William Topaz McGonagall of Dundee on Tay Private Eye he would sue were he with us today

ottocrat: William Topaz McGonagall your crown is threatened

GaspardWinckler: William Topaz McGonagall yet lives and breathes

DMLangshaw: Tottering on the edge of going all-out William Topaz McGonagall there, methinks…..

CoinnighMac: A paraphrasing of William 'Topaz' McGonagall's 'Lines in Protest to the Dundee Magistrates.'

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful. Click the link!

pax_draconis: For the stronger we our houses do build, The less chance we have of being killed. - William Topaz McGonagall, National Bard of Scotland, "The Tay Bridge Disaster"

clearlyGG: A short verse in honour of the great William Topaz McGonagall: The comments on the Twitter thread I read before I go off to bed And up with them I am never fed Their erudition cannot be surpassed That's what I tell people if I'm asked

Thievesbook: I once asked him what his favourite doggerel was - he loved William Topaz McGonagall, the worst poet in the world. He related a fantastic “shaggy duck” story whose punchline was - and I can see him saying this - “A duck for a f*ck, a f*ck for a duck, a f*cked duck and forty quid”

mamboward: On This Day in Scotland: 29 September 1902: The death of William Topaz McGonagall, widely celebrated as the worst poet ever to have written in the English language.

DomDeleuze: He was turned away at the door, but was not deterred. At one point, he received an obviously fake letter from someone claiming to be King Thibaw Min of Burma knighting him "Sir William Topaz McGonagall, Knight of the White Elephant." He used this title for the rest of his life

welfordwrites: William McGonagall: the greatest bad poet of all time. His poetry is a delight to read solely because it is so awful. Click the link!

theclancameron: "So the pipers struck up the March of the Cameron Men, which reminded them of the ancient Camerons marching o'er mountain and glen." William Topaz McGonagall - c. 1897

P____70: William Topaz McGonagall

welfordwrites: William Topaz McGonagall: the ultimate bad poet. Click the link!

dakppc: If William Topaz McGonagall ever did virus poetry...

misskeelahrose: Why no movies have been made about William Horace de Vere Cole (the Sacha Baron Cohen of the early 20th century) or William Topaz McGonagall ("lauded" as the worst poet to ever live) is utterly beyond me.

winningwriters: William Topaz McGonagall, poet and tragedian of Dundee, has been widely hailed as the writer of the worst poetry in the English language. This site provides a comprehensive guide to the life and works of William McGonagall, including 258 of his poems...

snowythepyro: "Beautiful new railway bridge of the Silvery Tay, With your strong brick piers and buttresses in so grand array, And your thirteen central girders, which seem to my eye Strong enough all windy storms to defy." --William Topaz McGonagall

mikefuller1975: William Topaz McGonagall ( 1825 - 1902 ) Irish-Scottish poet, actor, performer, weaver, and playwright. Author of 'Poetic Gems' ( 1890 ).

DesidErratum: William Topaz McGonagall-obsessed bf, Amanda McKittrick Ros-obsessed gf

pistewino: The poem follows. Firstly, though, I must doff my cap to William Topaz Mcgonagall. He was known as the worst poet in Scotland and, famously, didn’t give a toss about what his audience thought of his poems.

SattarASattar: Parnassian "His granular, giddy analysis of Scottish bard William Topaz McGonagall, “widely acclaimed as the worst poet in history,” fascinates as the negative expression of a Parnassian ideal. It’s also comedic gold." KATY WALDMAN, "BEN LERNER DOESN'T H…

krokvv: An Ode to the Queen ❤️ by William Topaz Mcgonagall -

Liang17842387: William Topaz McGonagall - The Moon Beautiful Moon, with thy silvery light, Thou seemest most charming to my sight; As I gaze upon thee in the sky so high, A tear of joy does moisten mine eye. Beautiful Moon, with thy silvery light, Thou cheerest the mariner in the night

hungryjoe8: william topaz mcgonagall fan club member

GregProops: Glasgow Comedy Festival March 20, 2016 Asking a Glasgae Lass to read the poetry of William Topaz McGonagall. No, I was not apprehended for this crime against verse. Yes, its a converted church with a bar. That is Vodka on the table. Scotland remains awesome. Aye, I was Mad wi’ it

SteveKydd: Another homage to William Topaz McGonagall...

Iblogtoglasgow: Revisited Nobel Prize for Literature winning Bob Dylan this morning. I’m a big fan but some of his lyrics could have been penned by William Topaz McGonagall. ‘T’was a dark day in Dallas November sixty-threeee A day that would live on in infameee...’

DashaMironovo: An Ode to the Queen ❤️ by William Topaz Mcgonagall -

innaprecna: An Ode to the Queen ❤️ by William Topaz Mcgonagall -

will_nett: X-Factor finalist taking lyrical inspiration from William Topaz Mcgonagall is not something I would have foreseen, even in these bat-shit crazy times.

western1407: Your plays are read in family ciFcles with wonder and delight, While seated around the fireside on a cold winter's night.-William Topaz McGonagall DJLOONYO AOS ANNIVERSARY

anthony_mcgowan: In honour of the great William Topaz McGonagall.

pax_draconis: William Topaz McGonagall is Scotland's greatest poet and I will die on this hill. You don't see Burns using the word "buttresses" with such grace and eloquence, do you? No.

MatthewOates76: Tonight is Burns Night, so here's the tribute to that bard by Scotland's greatest poet, William Topaz McGonagall

philcowley2: A chicken is a noble beast The cow is much forlorner, standing in the pouring rain with a leg at every corner. William Topaz McGonagall

RUNMELOOP1: the William Topaz Mcgonagall of Logic & Reason

SueHLawrence: Hope you enjoy the Dundee book. William Topaz McGonagall does feature in it, however...

mancunianmedic: Talking of bad poetry Just wondering what "Poet and Tragedian" WIlliam Topaz McGonagall would have made of "The Great Coronavirus Disaster of 2020"

SmithTiddy: A famously bad poem that made me cry with laughter: "The Famous Tay Whale", by William Topaz McGonagall (1883) /1

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Poem of the day

Eugene Field Poem
The Bottle Tree
 by Eugene Field

A bottle tree bloometh in Winkyway land-
Heigh-ho for a bottle, I say!
A snug little berth in that ship I demand
That rocketh the Bottle-Tree babies away
Where the Bottle Tree bloometh by night and by day
And reacheth its fruit to each wee, dimpled hand;
You take of that fruit as much as you list,
For colic's a nuisance that doesn't exist!

Read complete poem

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