Comments about William Carlos Williams

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AntoniaCipollo1: Loose your love to flow Blow! William Carlos Williams. The wind increases. (Fragment)

joeljupp: Throwback: In graduate school, back in 2004, I wrote a song based on this poem by William Carlos Williams. I'm sharing because I reread the poem tonight and remembered how much I love it — crazy it’s been 20 years already. My tune based on the poem:

ianduhig: This is just to say unworn baby shoes for sale. It was delicious. (from 'The Sawney Bean/William Carlos Williams/not-really-Hemingway Haikus').

librarybookbot: ‘I have eaten / the plums / that were in / the icebox / and which / you were probably / saving / for breakfast / Forgive me / they were delicious / so sweet and so cold’ — william carlos williams, This Is Just To Say

DialHForHagai: this one is for the Jewish William Carlos Williams enjoyers

jasontandon_: "And I talk to them in my secret mind out of pure happiness." —William Carlos Williams

subduedshouts: Been thinking a lot about plums recently… been having my William Carlos Williams moment… they really are delicious so sweet and so cold

DialHForHagai: [to the tune of the Super Mario “Underground” theme] william carlos williams william carlos williams william carlos williams william carlos williams

michaelscaines: just passing the time watching the flowers grow. What speed! To a modern they surpass in the rapidity of their development all human or understandable records of achievement. We are a sluggard race. – William Carlos Williams, March 27 1936

wanderingsag: The fragility of the flower unbruised penetrates spaces ~William Carlos Williams Spring and All

m2h2ay: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

GlowStudMuffin: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

SpiesVespers: IT’S TIME FOR STRANGE SPY FACTS! POETS AND POETRY EDITION! James Jesus Angleton was hyper-literary at Yale. Launched literary magazine Furioso. Contributors included Archibald MacLeish, E. E. Cummings, William Carlos Williams and fascist propagandist poet Ezra Pound.

ferd9d: "so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens" -William Carlos Williams, "The Red Wheelbarrow"

NortherlyRose: In the middle of the wood, where paths meet, we saw primroses. ‘Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow! It is not a color. It is summer! It is the wind on a willow, the lap of waves, the shadow under a bush, a bird, a bluebird…’ ‘Primroses’, William Carlos Williams (1883-1963). 6/

maaaaaa6658: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

VQR: VQR's new poetry newsletter features weekly poems from poets such as Kaveh Akbar, Victoria Chang, Rita Dove, Ada Limón, Adrienne Rich, Natasha Trethewey, William Carlos Williams, Charles Wright, Kevin Young, and more. Subscribe today!

Jaennecom: 2023-03-23 – Spring and All [By the road to the contagious hospital] by William Carlos Williams

MayaCPopa: Good morning from William Carlos Williams:

PlayNiceInst: “No ideas but in things” as William Carlos Williams used to say.

BishnupriyaNai5: It is the edge of petal that love waits. ~William Carlos Williams

Inframethod: As I discovered a few years ago, you can approximate the Tractatus Poetico-Philosophicus by waiting for the first signs of spring and then reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus alongside William Carlos Williams's Spring and All.

an_penguin: Oh, so William Carlos Williams thinks "so much" depends on a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens? That's pretty cool, I guess. I mean, I think so much depends on making sure children live in food-secure households, but his thing is nice too, I guess

gregfallis: Okay, maybe a tad premature, but sincere all the same. And, as always, apologies to William Carlos Williams. this is just to say

JetSetSewing: Next year I’m lobbying to put personal favorite William Carlos Williams on the bracket. He was a great modernist/imagist, and he gets bonus points for his poem that starts with “I have eaten the plums” having launched a thousand Twitter jokes.

ModeraVillage: Today, March 21st we celebrate "WORLD POETRY DAY" The Red Wheelbarrow, a poem by William Carlos Williams is one of the world's most famous poems!

edgecombeavenue: She also received the Poetry Society of America’s William Carlos Williams Award for her first collection of poems, “Madness and a Bit of Hope” (Harlem River Press/Writers and Readers Publishing). Safiya Henderson-Holmes was a resident of 409 Edgecombe Avenue. 4/5

letsquitteachin: In honor of World Poetry Day... A post inspired by "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams

op109: “Spring” — William Carlos Williams

TomSnarsky: William Carlos Williams

VeraValAuthor: The only thing I love more passionately than the bafflingly wonderful persistence of William Carlos Williams ice box plum poem memes is serious literary or historical concepts disguised as three raccoons in a trenchcoat. Bravo, fine fellow Twitterer. Bravo.

profontheright: so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens “The Red Wheel Barrow,” by William Carlos Williams

bartlett_tree: This Is Just To Say I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold BY WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS <3

santasprees: 'The Attic Which Is Desire' William Carlos Williams

TheDailyUpside: The William Carlos Williams school of political comms

falcaoklein: "Rigor of beauty is the quest" William Carlos Williams, "Paterson"

infinita_fiori: the most marvelous is not the beauty, deep as that is, but the classic attempt at beauty, at the swamp’s center: the dead-end highway, abandoned when the new bridge went in finally. william carlos williams, the hard core of beauty.

KZamierowski: Taken a bit out of context, but I still love it this way: “The imagination, across the sorry facts, lifts us to make roses.” —William Carlos Williams

MuyiwaShore: The only way to be truly happy is to make others happy. | William Carlos Williams

Astarost: The only way to be truly happy is to make others happy. — William Carlos Williams

foldedsunset: “Now the grass, tomorrow the stiff curl of wildcarrot leaf One by one objects are defined— It quickens: clarity, outline of leaf” Spring and All [By the road to the contagious hospital]. William Carlos Williams.

phillipcrymble: In commemoration of the vernal equinox, and this, the centenary year of William Carlos Williams's Spring and All (1923).

joseph_gaglione: William Carlos Williams, From : Spring and All ‘…small bushes and grass give way to trees which grow old and are succeeded by other trees for countless generations.’

ddeubel: My own version of William Carlos Williams - This Is Just To Say. Just saying ...

AvaFondaLove: "In summer, the song sings itself." — William Carlos Williams ASAPMESumMERIZING JONA

DavidMKatz1: Here's a poem that's always provided me with strength when I need it: El Hombre by William Carlos Williams It’s a strange courage you give me ancient star: Shine alone in the sunrise toward which you lend no part!

jakemorrow: If William Carlos Williams was my buddy, I 100% would have called him Billy C. Willies

moh85074932: A man is indeed a city, and for the poet there are no ideas but in things.,William Carlos Williams, Paterson,ideas, man,

PeterM15192: Hold back the edges of your gown, Ladies, we are going through hell.,William Carlos Williams,hell, howl,

daybreakjung: - from "To a Solitary Disciple" by William Carlos Williams

SUSANVI09204815: Your thighs are appletrees. Your knees are a southern breeze.,William Carlos Williams, The Farmers' Daughters,lust, poetry,

landryst: "It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there." William Carlos Williams via The Hammock Papers:

saa94220890: The HurricaneThe tree lay downon the garage roof and stretched, You have your heaven, it said, go to it.,William Carlos Williams, The Collected Poems, Vol. 2: 1939-1962,heaven, poetry, the-hurricane, tree,

MILKANYAWIRA17: What power has love but forgiveness?In other wordsby its interventionwhat has been donecan be undone.What good is it otherwise?,William Carlos Williams,forgiveness,

slstalter: And then Anne Boyer sent a newsletter about Spring and All that made me want to go back to the William Carlos Williams class I taught oh so long ago. Or modernist writing and visual culture?

walterhpierce2: This quote from William Carlos Williams fits well into my The Need for Tension category. To study more quote-posters from this phase of the Creative Process go to:

Carcanet: In this week's newsletter you can find poems from William Carlos Williams and Isobel Williams, catch up on some radio recordings and watch Joe Carrick-Varty's launch for More Sky! -

hewhocomesagain: The Red Wheelbarrow - William Carlos Williams. So much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens.

IanBuckley4: On this most voluptuous night of the year the term of the moon is yellow with no light the air's soft, the night bird has only one note, the cherry tree in bloom ––William Carlos Williams [from Paterson]

sooosoo9010: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

Carcanet: Read Williams’ statement explaining why he chose the eponymous city as the basis for his epic poem:

Carcanet: Order your copy of Paterson by William Carlos Williams, edited by Christopher MacGowan, using the code MARCHBOOKS for 20% off and free UK P&P:

Tomgilsenan: 'The wise trees stand sleeping in the cold.' ~ William Carlos Williams Photo: Trees in Drake park.

Carcanet: Paterson, the modern masterpiece by William Carlos Williams, is being reissued this month as a Carcanet classic! Use the code MARCHBOOKS for 20% off and free UK P&P:

BeineckeLibrary: William Carlos Williams to Reed Whittemore, March 15, 1939, from Furioso Papers

Warren_J_Rourke: Well, I have William Carlos Williams on my desk left, a wing-legged woman with two penguins in watercolour on my desk right, Deep House Islamabad on Soundcloud before me, the Tagamet on a shelf left, and the Malahat Review right - I think I have a legitimate excuse for insanity.

rafajf2112: 'may it/ carry you far' - 3 Stances, William Carlos Williams

clamatoes: resorting to the cadences of William Carlos Williams to save him at the end is where he loosens his grip & gives up the fight. That foil point gotta get more furious as you go, you can’t anticipate the hordes engorging themselves on your flesh b4 you’ve finished offending them

POETSorg: The sky has given over its bitterness. Out of the dark change all day long rain falls and falls as if it would never end. —William Carlos Williams

Carcanet: This month we are reissuing Paterson by William Carlos Williams as a Carcanet Classic! In this week’s blog, discover what inspired Williams to choose the eponymous city as the basis for his epic poem. Read his full statement here:

jntod: Now I think about it, I owe this man a lot. His downstairs loo had a poster of William Carlos Williams' This is Just To Say pinned to the door, my first encounter with a truly cool poem.

GhettoiChildren: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

Kerko_d: "It is at the edge of the petal that love waits" William Carlos Williams, Spring and All

WritesPetra: I am amused that the week I taught William Carlos Williams, my spouse bought plums and has been serving them to me with breakfast.

Leonfbatista: Abandona el poema. Abandona la indefinición del arte. Give up the poem. Give up the shilly- shally of art. William Carlos Williams, en "Paterson"

velvetg86947520: "Sorrow is my own yard where the new grass flames as it has flamed often before but not with the cold fire that closes round me this year." William Carlos Williams

Gament4576: A man is indeed a city, and for the poet there are no ideas but in things.,William Carlos Williams, Paterson,ideas, man,

Jiggyough6291: I think all writing is a disease. You can't stop it.,William Carlos Williams,writing,

alibraryimplies: I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold —this is just to say, william carlos williams

kellygunz88: Just like to tell you. I would just like to tell you William Carlos Williams the plums were so sweet. Just how much thinking has gone in to that fast and didn't want to take their wouldn't. And you're shopping with a gill harvard? Harvard is so awful isn't it

Monkeyou6747: Imagination though it cannot wipe out the sting of remorse can instruct the mind in its proper uses.,William Carlos Williams, Kora in Hell,imagination,

CautionWIP: I have worn the dress you had hanging in your closet and which you were definitely saving for prom Forgive me but it was beautiful so long and floofy For William Carlos Williams fans (pretty much from a masc perspective,…

Bobic: Ford Madox Ford fording a fjord in a ford while William Carlos Williams Wills Him’s Car lost (wants him to fail).

storyforf: Saxifrage is my flower that splits the rocks. ──William Carlos Williams

wissamlovee2222: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

posthumusrogers: Expert analysis from William Carlos Williams and Gary Lineker in Massacre 5 (London: Indelible Inc., 1994), edited by Roberta McKeown

m2h2ay: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

Reine2keur: Dans le style de william carlos williams...? Ou dans le style de Rimbaud?

singing_swamp: William Carlos Williams is such an interesting guy. Saying (at different times) that his core mottos are both "no ideas but in things" (the ultimate realist slogan) and "it is not what you say that matters but how you say it" (ultimate idealist slogan)

Lil_Ghostwriter: the William Carlos Williams poem about the wheelbarrow is garbage. The one about the plums, though, that one is good, that's a really good poem. The red wheelbarrow poem is shit.

Holmance610: so much dependsupona red wheelbarrowglazed with rainwaterbeside the whitechickens.,William Carlos Williams, Spring and All,poetry,

SisyphusRedemed: It is difficult To get the news from poems Yet men die miserably every day For lack of what is found there. --William Carlos Williams

Blogfinger1: “The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carlos Williams, American Poet.

Carl_Kruse: It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there. - William Carlos Williams

princessekateri: ~ William Carlos Williams Spring and All 1923

ANATOKokou618: Their story, yours, mine - it's what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them.,William Carlos Williams,stories,

chikuwa100q_bot: 73. Poets are damned/ but they are not blind, they see with the eyes of the angels. [William Carlos Williams]

headtale: With Apologies to William Carlos Williams (aka Emails I Send To Branch Staff)

AuthorLachlan: What is Lachlan reading? 'Death the Barber' by William Carlos Williams

mohdakiq666: “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” –William Carlos Williams

Write your comment about William Carlos Williams

Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

Read complete poem

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