Shall we Journey to legendary kingdom, Agartha
I believe it’s located in earth’s core

Or we could camp at Shangri-La
I hear it’s a beautiful harmonious valley

How about Zerzura, the oasis of little birds
It is said to be a city that is as white as a dove!

Or we could just bon voyage to the world of Atlantis
I always wanted to go for an underwater vacation

Why don’t we visit the city of Eldorado
Just imagine all of the golden souvenirs

Oh, and there’s always the Silver Mountains
Locally known as the Sierra de la Plata

Maybe we should go ahead and tour Camelot
And view the beautiful Excalibur in its stone

Or we can take a trip to Cloud cuckoo land
Thing that are completely impossible happen there

Then again there’s always Neverland
Just take the second star to the right

We could even travel to the Dragon Palace
That way I could ride a fire- breathing beasts

The Land of EverYoung is so worth our time
One day there is equal to three earthly years

Of course we have to still get lost in wonderland
Why, the best tea parties are held over there

But if we want our vacation to be perfection
What better place is there to be
Than the perfectly perfect land of Utopia